Chapter Thirty-One

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** warning: sexual content **

Jeremiah slammed her bedroom door shut behind them quickly removing his shirt and tossing it on the floor. Her blinds were open, the summer rain still falling hard and dark clouds covered the sky. Jeremiah walked over to Angelina who was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Is your dad coming home soon?" Jeremiah asked.

Angelina shook her head no. "He's gone for a couple days."

Jeremiah calmly shook his head in acknowledgment trying to control the excitement stirring inside of him. They had the whole house to themselves. He bit his lower lip sliding his hand behind her neck. Leaning down near her ear, he whispered, "good. That means I could do what I want to you."

Angelina let out a small moan as Jeremiah's mouth latched onto her neck. He slowly grazed his teeth moving up towards her jaw.

"Wait, do you have condoms?" Jeremiah asked pulling away shyly rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't have one on me. Not that I just carry around condoms," he said stuttering.

Angelina laughed and Jeremiah gave a small smile. He loved her laugh. He wishes he could remove those worry creases she carries around her eyes and have her laughing all the time.

"I'm on birth control, Jeremiah. I get checked after a new partner. I'm clean. As long as you are too, I don't mind," she noticed Jeremiah flinch slightly and felt his body tense up against her. "Or if you're uncomfortable with that, we can wait or go buy some condoms."

Jeremiah shook his head no quickly. "No. It's not that. It's just," he trailed off not really knowing how to say the next part. He didn't think Angelina was a virgin but hearing her say it out loud is different. He closed his eyes briefly.

Angelina slid her hands behind his neck pulling him down near her, "Jeremiah. Tell me what is going on. Communication is very important in situations like this. I don't want you feeling pressured into doing something you not ready for."

Jeremiah opened his eyes quickly. "No. I do- I want to have sex with you. I've never," he said the last part quietly. He wasn't ashamed, at least he told himself that he wasn't. But knowing now that Angelina had experienced and he didn't, he was a bit scared if she would compare him to others.

"Jeremiah, are you a virgin?" Angelina asked. This surprised Angelina a little because Conrad had been making it seem all summer that last year, Jeremiah went from person to person.

Jeremiah let out a low sigh, "yes. I've messed around last summer but never got to the point of sex. I guess a part of me, a small part, was waiting for you to come back to me." He locked eyes with hers, nervous what she would think. Her beautiful doe brown eyes staring right back.

"Jeremiah," she let out lowly. "We can wait. I don't want to rush you or wait till we get condoms at least, for your first time. This would be my first time doing it without a condom. I've been on birth control but never felt comfortable with the guy I was with to do it without a condom."

Jeremiah felt his heart flutter. "But, you're comfortable doing that with me?" She trusted him and that made him want this more then ever.

She nodded her head yes as Jeremiah finally closed the distance between them. Angelina felt as his tongue slid into her mouth letting out a small moan. Jeremiah pulled back slightly brushing a small strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm putting all my trust in you, please be gentle," Jeremiah said with a laugh.

Angeline winked at him as she laid herself down on her bed, "no condom then? I'm really spoiling you for your first time."

Jeremiah climbed over her, hovering above slightly to not press too much of his weight against her. He placed one hand beside her head to give himself a lift as his other hand slowly ran up her bare waist. He was intoxicated by her, his mind clouded with desire and all he saw was her.

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