Chapter Fifteen

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The group sat around in a circle on the beach as Cristian and Angelina arrived shortly after them. The two had gone with their dads, Susannah and Laurel to talk for a bit. Susannah stopped Angelina and Cristian on their way out to the beach wanting to catch up with Angelina and get to know Cristian. The Fisher boys were a bit reluctant to leave Angelina behind but ultimately left when Angelina gave them the nod to go on ahead without her.

"Angie! I've missed you, come hurry. Try my margarita," Belly yelled.

Angelina looked over at Conrad, who was sitting beside Nicole, as he just shrugged his shoulders taking a drink of his margarita. She simply eyed Belly curiously and went to sit beside Conrad as Cristian sat on the other side of her. As soon as Jeremiah saw the two sit down, he got up from sitting beside Gigi and went and sat in between Angelina and Cristian causing Gigi to roll her eyes.

"Cameron, hello," Angelina looked over seeing Cameron for the first time. He gave her a shy smile saying, "hello, Angelina."

"It's not a race, Conrad," Nicole said eyeing Conrad as he was devouring his margarita drink. Angelina leaned over reaching up to take his cup before he can finish the remainder of it. The margarita cups where on the other side of Conrad and she didn't feel like getting up to get one since she just sat down.

"Really, Lina?" Conrad said looking down at her.

Angelina shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't take it to stop you from drinking, I simply took it because I'm too lazy to get up and get one."

"But what if it was a race? Isn't that like, is it," Belly began to slur causing the two to look over at her from their conversation confused, "that, isn't the premise of like a drinking game?"

Angelina stared at her bewildered for a moment trying to process the words that she just said along with her delayed reaction. She couldn't believe it, Belly Conklin was drunk. Angelina let out a small laugh as Conrad handed her another margarita filled cup.

"Fuck it, let's do it," Angelina said now devouring her own second cup as she shivered feeling the margarita mix run cold throughout her body. Jeremiah wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling Angelina in, "I'm down!"

The group had just finished playing a drinking a game causing the majority of the group, besides Cameron, to be drunk or slightly buzzed. Even Cristian partook in drinking a bit because Belly kept shyly asking him to join.

Conrad, Angelina, Jeremiah, Cristian and Cameron were playing corn hole while Belly, Nicole, Shayla, Steven and Gigi were dancing a few feet away. Gigi kept glancing every now and then towards the guys and Angelina giving Angelina dirty looks.

Angelina scoffed noticing the looks Gigi has been giving her since she's arrive. "I swear if this bitch looks at me one more time with her droopy ass eyes-"

"Angel!" Jeremiah hushed quickly covering up her mouth with his hand. Angelina, not appreciating being silenced, bit his hand. "Uncalled for," Jeremiah said removing his hand from her mouth as he scoffed.

Conrad snorted causing some of his margarita drink to spill on his shirt, "beat her ass, Lina."

Cristian started laughing causing Conrad to grin. "I've seen Flores girl kick ass at school before and to be honest I wouldn't mind seeing it again."

"Okay, so I have two yes and one no," she turned to eye Cameron seriously. "What do you say? Her life is in your hands."

Cameron awkwardly looked at them, Jeremiah pleading, shaking his head no as Cristian and Conrad are eagerly shaking their heads yes. "Um, I would prefer not to see an altercation," Cameron said lowly.

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