Chapter Seven

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Angelina stirred in her bed feeling her head pounding. She leaned up against her elbows squinting her eyes due to the room being bright as the sun was shining through her windows. She should have never mixed hard liquor with beer last night. Angelina looked around her empty room, she could have swore Jeremiah spent the night with her. She remembers his cool skin radiating against her naturally warm skin that runs hot all the time. Angelina looked up at her clock on her wall: 07:00 a.m.

A loud buzzing came from her night stand beside her and she groaned. Angelina answered it not bothering to check who it was knowing it had to be one of two people calling her this early, "you better be dying if you're calling me this early." She rasped, her throat parched from the drinking and smoking last night.

"Lina-" she heard as Conrad was cut off and there was some rustling over the phone. It sounded like he was wrestling someone for the his own phone. Angelina let out a chuckle as she heard, "give me back my phone Jere!"

"My Angel flower! Good morning and might I add, that rasp sounds sexy on you." Angelina couldn't help but let out a genuine laugh. Gosh, it's been awhile since Angelina laughed like that. She smiled to herself as Jeremiah continued, "get your pretty ass over here. I'm making my hangover smoothies. I would have made it at your place this morning before leaving but I didn't want to wake up Professor Flores with the blender."

Angelina scoffed, "alright, let me shower first and I'll be right over."

She was about to hang up when she heard Conrad's voice say lowly, "what was that about?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Angelina asked innocently. She knew Conrad was referring to Jeremiah.

"Lina...did Jere spend the night with you?" She heard the sternness in his voice.

She let out a sigh, "nothing happened Con. I was drunk and he spent the night with me because my dad wasn't home." Angelina left out the part that she asked, almost begging, Jeremiah to stay with her.

"Nothing happened?" He questioned again.

"Nothing," she told the truth. Nothing sexual happened and she knew that's what he was asking about.

"Good, it better stay that way. See you soon, Lina." He hung up.

Angelina groaned. Last night definitely felt like something happened. Her subconsciously getting irritated at the girl rubbing Jeremiah's arm at the bonfire. Their subtle, not so subtle, gazes towards each other all night. The desperation in his blue eyes asking what he meant to her. But how can she answer a question, she doesn't have an answer too.

She walked over setting her phone down on her dresser. The debutante envelope laying there. Angelina didn't get to have her quinceanera so the debutante ball would be her last chance of an event like this. Angelina's mom was half white and didn't grow up with her Mexican roots. Her dad was full Mexican and loved to embrace his heritage. So her mother did the debutante ball instead of having her own quinceanera. Her parents were going to have her do both. But her mother got called for some business over seas right before her quince, so her father cancelled it and planned it again for her 16th right before their annual summer trip. That's when Angelina found her mother cheating two weeks before and once again everything got cancelled.

Anger started stirring inside of her again. An event that was supposed to be all about her, became all about her cheating mother and she hated it.

She ran her fingers over the card indicating yes or no. Jeremiah was supposed to be her chambelan for her quince both times.

Summer of 14 years

Angelina ran over next door into their kitchen. The moms and children (but Belly) were all in there. Jeremiah was the first to see her, grinning wide and running to hug her. Conrad came next pushing Jeremiah off to give her a hug. "Happy late birthday, Lina," 14 year old Conrad said.

Shameless x Jeremiah Fisher (1)Where stories live. Discover now