Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jeremiah found her right away. He spotted Angelina leaning against a pillar behind the crowd of adults talking to the judges. He slowly walked up behind her trying not to make a noise and wrapped his arms around her waist laying his chin against her shoulder. "Hey, my Angel flower," he rasped near her ear.

Angelina felt her body grow hot having Jeremiah's breath fan near her ear. Pleasant shivers ran down her back, "Jeremiah-"

"Don't worry," he places a kiss below her ear moving down towards her neck. "No one can see us."

Angelina swallowed letting out a small gasp and she felt Jeremiah quickly pull away from her, recomposing herself. A part of of her already missing his touch. Susannah was now walking through people up the steps towards them.

Jeremiah stood closely besides Angelina grinning down at her as she looked flustered from his touch. Her cheeks holding a tint of red.

"There you are sweetie! Did you forget about the tournament? I saw your name is written by itself on the board," Susannah said as she approached the two teens.

Angelina groaned. She did forget about the volleyball tournament and really didn't feel like participating in the event. The female Flores knew she wouldn't make it past the first round anyways.

Jeremiah on the other hand, was trying to control his excitement. He was waiting for the right moment to announce he'll be Angelina's partner and save the day.

"My apologies, Susannah. I completely forgot and don't have a partner for the volleyball game. Maybe I could just sit this one out?"

Susannah shook her head, "no, no, no, Angelina dear. I'm sorry. We need you to play or there will be an odd amount of teams."

Jeremiah was about to speak up when his mom cut him off. "But no need to worry, I have a partner for you! Connie. I already asked him and he's more than happy to play with you." Susannah gave her a huge smile.

Jeremiah's mouth dropped opened. He was never expecting this. He was the one planning to come in and rescue Angelina from not having a partner, not Conrad. He was about to speak, when again, he was cut off.

"Con said he'll play? Okay," Angelina gave a small laugh. She never expected Conrad, she was secretly hoping Jeremiah would have offered but Angelina learned from Belly earlier, that last year Jeremiah said he wasn't interested in debutante events anymore.

Susannah clapped her hands with joy. "Yes, he's really excited to be paired up with you, dear. He already has a Team Flores shirt on that I had made for you earlier," Susannah said as she grabbed Angelina's hand dragging the Flores girl along side of her. "Jere honey, make sure to cheer loud for Angelina and Belly."

Jeremiah stood there dumbfounded watching Angelina and his mom approach Conrad on the other side. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to be Angelina's volleyball partner, not Conrad. He wondered if his mom really asked or if this was another one of Conrad's idea. Jeremiah let out a frustrating sigh when he felt someone's arm brush against his.

"I'm rooting for you and Angelina by the way," Taylor said following where Jeremiah was staring at seeing Conrad and Angelina beside each other stretching. "Conrad's a dick and he's just playing Belly and Angelina. He can't have them both."

Jeremiah looked down at her raising an eyebrow wondering what she meant by that. "What-"

"Don't play dumb, I know you know too. Luckily, Angelina isn't dumb but if you keep pushing her away, she'll run straight to Conrad," Taylor said walking away.

Of course he knew. Jeremiah was just hoping he wasn't right.


Angelina and Conrad made it to the third round but lost to Belly and Cristian after Taylor injured her foot and Cristian took her spot. Jeremiah stood beside Taylor during the match watching the four play wishing he was the one standing besides Angelina.

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