Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Conrad sat upright while Angelina's legs spread across his lap as she was laying down against the couch reading her book. Conrad had one hand holding his own book while his other hand laid against her bare thigh. They were in Angelina's living room reading on a Friday night. It was what the two usually did on Friday nights together. They would read, play board games or a drinking game. On this night, they decided to just to read. Angelina was dressed in an oversized East Greenwich High School tshirt that ran down to her mid thigh. Conrad will unintentionally run his hand slowly, in a small pattern, up and and down her thigh feeling the warmth of her skin underneath his palm.

He turned slightly, removing his eyes from his own book to look at Angelina. She was so concentrated in what she was reading, not even noticing his would grip her thigh every now and then. Her eyebrows furrowed sightly inward together as she turned the page. He wondered if this was normal, if best friends usually did these types of things.

He heard her let out a small sigh. "You're staring again," Angelina said giving a small laugh not removing her eyes from the page she was reading. Conrad cleared his throat feeling his cheeks heat up as he turned back to his book patting his palm against her thigh. "No I wasn't." There he went again, he thought, another form of touch against her thigh without realizing it.

Angelina pouted her lips as she looked up seeing Conrad gaze on her again and turning back to his book as they caught eyes. He seemed more distracted and definitely a little more touchy tonight than usual. She let out another small sigh and saw he turned back to look at her with a frown on his face.

She leaned up to sit as her legs still stayed spread out against his lap. "I decided to forgo my senior year of high school and start Brown in the fall," Angelina finally admitted. She's been struggling for weeks trying to find a sign or any reason why she should and she finally did. Angelina was putting away the laundry when she found a gift in her dad's bedroom. It was a Brown University sweater for her with a card saying how proud he was of her. Her dad didn't know she was thinking about staying for her senior year of high school so he just figured she would start Brown in the fall.

Angelina suddenly felt arms wrap around her as Conrad embraced her. "You're making the right choice, Lina!" He pulled back grinning, "we'll have to get rooms in the same dorm hall, sign ups are next week!"

The Flores girl couldn't help but grin at the Fisher boy. His frown was now a wide grin with excitement beaming off of him. She noticed Conrad had been sulking the last couples days. Angelina was glad this news brought back that smile on his face. "I'm nervous but excited. I can't wait to be sitting front row of my dad's course."

Conrad nodded, "and I'll be sitting right beside you!" He leaned back against the couch grinning. Angelina stayed sitting up, her legs still across Conrad's lap. "I wish Cristian could have started with us. He's actually a pretty cool dude. I wouldn't mind rooming with him."

Angelina smirked shaking her head no, "sorry, Con. If he would have started the same year as us, him and I talked about renting a two bedroom apartment together near campus. But even if he had the chance to start this fall, Cristian wouldn't take it."

Conrad raised an eyebrow at Angelina not feeling comfortable with the idea of Cristian and Angelina sharing an apartment together, "what makes you think that?"

"Because the starting quarterback for Brown right now is going into his junior year this fall. Which means he has two more years to play so Cristian would sit out for two of his four years playing because of that. Where as next year when he comes in, the quarterback will be a senior and Cristian will only sit out for one year. He'll watch, learn, get familiar with the team and then start his sophomore year!" Angelina smiled thinking about Cristian playing football at the college level. A little sadness filled her as she also thought about missing his senior year of high school football.

Shameless x Jeremiah Fisher (1)Where stories live. Discover now