5: Up and At 'Em

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Izuku was sitting at a cafe's table, staring across it and into the crossed eyes of Tomura Shigaraki, or this reality's second Soul Import, they dubbed it.

"So. You're a candidate for One for All now?" Tomura asked for clarification.

"I suppose. I guess it'd have to happen eventually." Izuku sighed, before hearing a loud sip from Tomura. "They said I'd have to perform well at the Sports Festival. I think I can win it all honestly. Though, my Quirk is a bit confusing." Izuku continued.

"The Weight Manipulation?" Tomura wondered.

"Yeah. But it feels more complicated than that. It's also concerning, because if I get One for All... I feel like it'd be even harder to control with my weight fluctuating when I fight." Izuku replied.

"Wow..." Izuku looked up to she was unamused. "You are just as big a nerd as the original. You could try being a bit more badass in his shoes you know." Tomura sighed.

"Hey! I like to think I was pretty cool at USJ." Izuku frowned and turned away, before taking a sip of his coffee too.

"Eh. You had your moments. Nearly crushing Nomu's skull was pretty cool. I should've known from then that you weren't the original." Tomura smirked.

"See? And I'll be even cooler at the Sports Festival. Oh! And just wait until the Stain Arc— he doesn't know what's coming." Izuku grew smug, but Tomura kicked his shin, making him wince.

"Don't get cocky. Our presence alone means things change. Nothing is completely as we know. Stain may be replaced with a different Villain, or with a stronger Quirk. Don't let your guard down." Tomura scolded.

"Oh... right. Sorry." Izuku agreed.

"Oh! That reminds me," Izuku suddenly leaned forward with a serious stare, waiting a few seconds to build anticipation.

"Is Tomura a girl because you used to be one—" Izuku was kicked in the shin again, before Tomura stood up.

"You ask another question like that and I'll block your number. We'll talk again soon." Tomura stormed off, and Izuku held his leg in pain.

"Ow..." Izuku whined, before realizing she left him with the bill. "Asshole."


Izuku was sitting at his desk in class after the day off they were given after the attack at USJ. Everyone was a bit excited about being on TV for a moment, but Izuku was unconscious, so he didn't necessarily care.

What he did discover was that he was the only one injured, just like in the series, so he was relieved to hear that.

Izuku felt someone shake his shoulder, making him confused. "Huh?" Izuku turned and saw that Sero was shaking his shoulder.

"You alright Midoriya? We've been calling you for a minute." Sero asked with concern.

Izuku looked around, and saw everyone was staring, making him even more confused. 'I didn't hear a thing...'

"We've got to remember he took a full force hit from All Might. The damn warp gate warped his punch." Katsuki spat, gritting his teeth just thinking about it.

"Ah, sorry, man." Sero apologized.

"They said I potentially suffered some brain damage, but I feel fine. I was just daydreaming." Izuku smiled, hoping that would ease their worries.

'BRAIN DAMAGE?!' They all thought.

And on schedule, the mummified Aizawa walked through the door. "Morning." He greeted through the bandages.

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