Part 7

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Sonic had his hands through his spines. "How could I allow this, no, it's his fault! He left her! Where is she? Where is Amy?" He couldn't sense her presence. Which meant she was either dead or outside. Her being dead wouldn't be so bad since he could make her like him and they could TRUELY be together forever. But he wanted to preserve her precious life. Her lovely scent and warm blood and body. He felt like he needed that.

He put his hands under his eyes and wiped some blood off his body. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Then he started to grin evilly and laugh.

"She wants to play a game? Well...let's play this game of hide-n-seek."

Sonic walked out of the living room and took in a deep breath through his nostrils. He still couldn't smell her purity. "What if something made her not pure anymore?" He asked himself worriedly. He needed Amy's purity to keep him going. Plus, he feeds off happiness and she's literally the happiest thing on the island now. Since everyone else is mostly dead or a slave.

It had always bothered Sonic slightly that he had to put up with the villagers. Also, so many of them were rude to his friends. The villagers deserved what they got. As did Eggman. The thought of what he had made his more sane self do made him grin.

He had been hiding inside Sonics subconscious for years. When Sonic got shot in the head he had been released. He couldn't do much except talk to Sonic in his head. He made him betray his former friends, made him possessive, protective, worried constantly. He had enjoyed that until he started to long for Amy. Then he made a plan to make sure that only he would get her.

He got Sonic to trust him, and then he pretended to be in his control. Finally he would wound Sonic enough to where he could take over his body and fool Amy to believe he was still the same.

Now, he just had to find her....

Amy saw red. Only the color red. There was blood in the water and everywhere on the land. She didn't see any bodies yet, but she already was terrified. She just wanted to run now. Run as fast and far as her legs would carry her.

But she stayed there. She couldn't move. She just felt like taking in all in. Maybe if she took this slowly it'd be easier to except. She stared at her surroundings. Blood, red, more blood and red. That's all she could describe to herself how it looked.

Without knowing she found herself walking towards the forest right across a set of many stairs leading to the ocean that looked like it was red paint. She was about to go down and feel the murky looking water when she heard a loud bang against a window above her.

She looked up but was quickly blinded by the red sun shining down on her face. She looked back down to the ground and she thought she could hear Sonics muffled voice screaming. She, however, took no notice of it after that. In fact she was partially ignoring it. She had no idea why, but part of her wanted nothing to do with him.

Now Amy was facing the water again. She raised her hand and slowly tapped the water. She was surprised to see no ripples go out. She squinted her eyes and chuckled slightly. Certainly the ocean wasn't...frozen? She tapped it again; this time with more force and she gasped at what she found out.

The lake was filled with blood and mud as we all know, but Amy had never guessed that it was almost dried up blood. The mud would be make it easier to walk on and the blood would be a nuisance.

She didn't want to go across just yet. Amy stood up and looked at the window again. She could still hear Sonics muffled screaming telling her to come back. She hesitated before making her way to the main entrance. Amy desperately wanted to move though. She decided she didn't want to read. She wanted to run. To move. Her arms grew stiff as she felt her strength in them. She had no idea she was that strong.

'How? What are all these feelings? A-And memories for?' She asked herself.

The door in front of her swung open and she feel to the ground. Sonics red eyes were filled with anger, concern, and fear as he stepped out. He grabbed her wrist and forced her up. He grabbed her shoulders tightly.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" It was the most demonic, angry, hated voice Sonic had ever yelled at her.


"Sorry" she said quietly. "I-I got worried when you didn't come back and I saw this door and wanted to explore."

Sonics entire body tensed with rage. It was obvious he was fighting himself to not slap her.

"Go inside"


"I said GO!"

Amy quickly darted inside as Sonic stared angrily at her. He would not allow this to happen again.

Sonic stared across the ocean to where Eggmans old laboratory had been. Now it was rubble, but there was something on the island he couldn't allow her to find out about. It ruin all his hard work to get to this point. He couldn't let her leave the castle again. Not ever.

It was close to lunch now. Amy and Sonic didn't share any words as Tails, Sticks, and Knuckles served them. Amy still looked frightened and scared. It tore both Sonics sanity and insanity apart. He was not to be feared. He was to be respected and loved by her. Not feared.

Amy sipped on her soup that Tails had prepared. Sticks was limping around the table trying to find a place for her to sit. Knuckles was already seated and was waiting for the command to eat, but Sonic was far too distracted.

" know I just want to protect you-"

"I know...I-I just wanted to go outside. I wanted to do something other then stay inside." She explained to him nervously.

Sonic stared at her. She looked so fragile, so dainty, so weak and tired. What had he done to her? She was scared of him. He'd taken part of her happiness, her purity, and she'd never be able to get it back. He hated himself for allowing his anger to control him.

But it needed to be done. Now she'll never leave again. He's sealed the doors leading outside shut. He's going to make goons and monsters to patrol the halls and make sure she's tended to and kept in eyesight. He was quite favoring this plan now. He thought it was a perfect plan.

Thought, being the key word.

SonAmy Boom/EXE: Perfection is a nameWhere stories live. Discover now