Chapter 70: Choosing Fate [Part 1]

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-Apologies for being late. My birthday and Christmas caused a lot of stuff to happen all at once, which took away the majority of my free time. However, since it's Christmas, I'll be releasing a second chapter later today—a double-upload!

Until then, enjoy!



"Move, now."

Moon unwaveringly blocked the exit, meeting my scathing glare with one of her own. "This is reckless and stupid, Auroon," she growled. "Your stability is in question, you don't have a plan, and you just became a Soulburner!"

"What makes you think I'd conveniently forget how to use Soulmagic after using it to fight a war for season-cycles?" I retorted angrily. "I don't need a plan, and I don't need to practice. I waited for the rain to stop, I slept like you wanted, but I'm not waiting any longer!" I couldn't- wouldn't see my daughter chained up and turned into a tool for an insane god again. This time, I wouldn't be useless. I was the Siegebreaker, for Moon's sake!

"And what are you going to do?" Moon scoffed. "Barge in there and slaughter them all like you used to? These things aren't the same dragons you used to fight; they're undying monstrosities led by a literal god. Your rage and destructive power were well-known, 'Auroon the Siegebreaker,' I'll give you that much, but even you cannot face one of the first gods and succeed."

"I'll prove it right here and now!" I was sick of Moon calling me weak. Every time I brought up a point, she turned it into a reason why I wasn't strong enough, like she wanted to talk me in circles. "I am more than strong enough! I will hurt you to save her if I have to!"

She did not look impressed. "I am not the same. I do not use underpawed tricks to win a fight, nor do I want to harm you. If I went all out on you without consideration for your safety, you would fail."

"Dragon shit!" I snarled, taking one threatening step closer, only to realize something. I looked back at Stormfly and Toothless, waiting with Shadow and Vænn. They were oddly quiet and appeared impatient for something to happen. I slowly turned back to Moon, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "...You're stalling." Was she trying to bring about another storm to keep me inside? 

Moon smirked. "You're right; I am stalling." She stepped aside and sat down neatly, surprisingly leaving the exit wide open. Something wasn't right...

I cautiously moved toward the exit, eyeing Moon for any sudden moves—


I froze stiff at that chilling voice, the horrible truth finally dawning on me even before she stalked into view. "Uh, oh..."

"When have I ever taught you to threaten your family with violence and foolishly charge off to certain death?" Mom growled, her fury practically radiating through her every step toward me, face wrinkled with rage. 

I backpedaled away from the advancing dragoness, spying Moon grinning smugly at me. "M-Mom, I—"

"Why would you dare leave me worried sick about you again?" She seethed, exposing her growing rage even further. "Did you even consider speaking to me before you flew off to your death?"

My tail hit a wall, making it feel like I'd swallowed a boulder. "B-But I was gonna—"

"Don't give me that shit!" She barked, getting uncomfortably close now. "Moon told me everything!" With a flare of anger, I shot Moon a death glare, promising pain—

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