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" I guess that's kinda thoughtful..."


Verspara huffed in annoyance

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Verspara huffed in annoyance.

"Stupid crown prince. Giving me a flower field despite knowing my pollen allergy." Verspara grumbled as she headed down the stairs into the new field behind the villa.

"V-verspara-nim, p-please slow down!" her junior secretary stuttered as the girl scrambled after her boss.

Verspara headed down to the lobby to sign the redemption contract.

'I'll have trouble clearing the land.'

She thought to herself.

The eighteen-year-old opened the door to see a knight with a carriage behind.

"I greet the marchioness."

He saluted and handed Verspara a piece of parchment and a letter.


She signed the parchment and handed it back.


The knight bowed.

"His highness ordered us to guide you to your new estate, Marchioness."

(I decided to give protagonist privileges)

Verspara nodded.


" Load up all the luggage."

Rivet looked at Verspara gravely.

"Even 'that'?"

Verspara nodded.

"Even that."


"Yes, my lady."



Verspara sighed, brushing back her hair.

She looked down at the letter in her hand.

Congratulations on becoming marchioness

We shall resume our discussion starting next week.

'damn prince. Can't even give me a break.'

Verspara looked out the window.

She knew that Alberu was a dark elf.

She sighed.

A dark elf, a son of a palace servant, competing for the throne to rule over a kingdom that worshipped the sun god.

To be able to consider one of the major factions, Verspara wasn't going to lie.

Alberu was genuinely extraordinary.

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