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Lorena looked gaunt, pale and tired.

She'd lost weight so much that Malora could see the ridges of her cheekbones showing through the skin, and the dark baggy shirt she wore hung on her frame. Her lips were dry and cracked—holding no color. Her hair hung down a greasy, unwashed mess. Large dark rings coated the bag of her eyes like a heavily applied eyeshadow, and clumps of mascara held her lashes together. The Jeans she wore had more holes in them than her shirt (it wasn't a fashion statement), and dirt smudged her old, beaten sneakers.

The hands holding the gun shook slightly, while the other hand was wiped across her mouth. "Hi, sis. Did you miss me?"

"I've been looking all over for you, Rena. Why would you disappear like that?" Malora took a step forward but stopped when her sister shook her head.

"Liar!" Lorena yelled, hand shaking. She supported her shaking hand by grasping at the elbow with her other one. "You left me to suffer."

"What are you talking about?"

Lorena let out a mirthless laugh. "What am I talking about?" She chuckled, again. "How about abandoning me?"

Malora swiped the back of her hand across her face. "I'm sorry about Louis."

"Don't you ever speak his name again with your filthy mouth!" She snarled, showing off yellowed teeth.

This sight made more tears gush out of Malora's eyes. Her sister was seriously sick and needed urgent help. One she could provide if Lorena would see reason."Why on earth would you say that?

"You killed Louis, Malora McCarran. You killed him so that you'll be free of all the hospital bills and problems he and I represented."

"I didn't do nothing!" Malora yelled, eyes wide. "Why will I want Louis dead? I took care of you and him while he was alive. I loved that boy as if he were mine. I'll never harm a hair on his beautiful head. I was willing to go through hell for him, Lorena, so don't you ever belittle how I feel about him."

"'Don't you ever belittle how I feel about him'," Lorena repeated, pupils turning darker."It's so easy to say those fancy words now that he's gone. You claim to miss us, and yet, here you are. Sleeping in wealth and whoring yourself out to the highest bidder."

It was Malora's turn to be annoyed. "The whole thing with Louis got me into this in the first place. I am whoring myself out because I loved that boy very much and would have given my life for him without looking back." She took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. "But I did miss you, Lorena. I don't know where you got this idea from, but I've never once forgotten you."

Twin tears tracked the length of Lorena's cheeks, but she did not even notice. "Then, tell me why you lied to me about Louis's treatment? There was no doctor waiting for us in the U.S. I found out later. Your fancy boyfriend didn't book an appointment for Louis because no doctor existed. I called different hospitals, thinking I got the address wrong, and they kept saying the same thing: 'There's nobody who goes by the name Dr. Burnew.'"

Malora shook her head. "That's a lie, Lorena. Dr. Burnew is real, I'm sure of it. Titan assured me that one existed. I even booked the appointment myself."

"Then, why is Louis dead today, huh?"

As much as it pained her to say those words, Malora had no choice. "You killed him, Rena. I don't know what you did, but I know that Louis died in your hotel the next day you got to America. You didn't take him to his appointment either. Why?"

"You stupid bitch!" Spittle flew from Rena's mouth as her red eyes filled with rage. "Louis stayed alive for four days after we got to America. I called you several times and you kept sending me to voicemail. I spent all the money I had visiting hospitals to take care of him." She kept her eyes on Malora, but nodded at Meredith, who'd been enjoying the back and forth while sitting down."Show her the papers."

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