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Weak sunlight peered into the room through the slits in the drawn blinds signaling the start of another day. There was no guarantee that it would last long, seeing as the snow had barely let up since the beginning of the week, but it was a little light of hope, and maybe...just maybe, things wouldn't be so bad after all.

Malora let out a weary sigh as she rolled onto her back on the queen sized bed in her room. The view of the unpainted ceiling did nothing to alleviate the fears and worries inside her. She'd planned to paint the plain ceiling the following week after she moved in, but a week turned into a month, a month into two, until it became something she put on a back burner. Now, it didn't seem so important anymore.

Pushing out of bed, she paused long enough to pull on her black sweat pants over her cotton panties, and an old T-shirt, then made a quick stop at the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her lady business. 

Emerging from the bathroom, she walked into the kitchen, made herself a cup of coffee, then went to stand by the fireplace. Her eyes roamed allover the blackened earth, before finally coming to a spot where he'd been standing last night. The memory of what almost happened last night...

Malora shook her head to rid herself of the bizarre events of last night and walked over to the spot beside her favourite chair where she'd dumped the envelope two nights ago. After sitting in her chair, she deposited the cup of untouched coffee on her coffee table, unsealed the envelope and upturned it. Several papers fell out of it and onto her lap.

Malora sorted them into three piles, each pile containing three papers which were stapled together and began to read.

The first one contained a copy of the contract she'd signed at the beginning of their affair. It bared her signature and his, and the starting and ending dates were highlighted as if to taunt her of the fact that she'd breached it.

She dropped that one beside her cup on the table and picked the second one. This one contained a legal document that stated the breach of agreement on her end, along with several legal jargon and threats to sue her for every last penny Mr. Pitts ever spent on her. Including the expenses for their vacation, the wardrobe of clothes he bought for her, the money he'd given to her for her nieces treatment, among all other expenses and finally, some damages bills for breaching the contract and costing Mr. Pitts quiet a lot of resources to find her.

"Holy shit," Malora muttered under her breath, fingers clenching around the paper work. "That bastard does really hate me."

She could argue about the 'expenses' he claimed to have incurred searching for her by saying that she hadn't wanted tot be found, anyway, plus she didn't tell him to take her on vacation nor did she beg him to buy her clothes, but that would just be wasting her breath, because men like Titan Pitts didn't care about damages when they go in for the kill. All they were concerned about was coming out on top as the winner without any battle scar.

He is really a bastard.

The last document contained a fresh contract between the two of them, same as before only that the dates have been changed and the duration also stated that it had to run for forty-two days. He'd already signed beneath his name and all that remained was her own signature.

Malora dropped the document on the rest, rose from the chair and skulked down the hall into the bathroom, pulling off her clothes as she went. She felt suddenly so hot that it felt as if she was choking. Her breaths began to come out in short pants, and her hands shook so much that she had to try thrice before she could turn the shower knob.

The blast of icy water was a welcomed feeling. It helped pushed her panic into the back of her mind, and helped to steady her nerves.

Unbidden, the events from the night before came rushing back.

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