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The plane ride back to London was filled with silence. Titan sat across the from her, fiddling with his phone after she'd met his every question with no response. After he'd broken the news about her sister being back in London, Malora wasn't about to be bumming about in Venice. She hadn't even stuck around to ask for his source before dashing into the bedroom to pack her things. That was an hour ago.

The weather was pleasant and the sky dark, so she couldn't see anything outside the window except total darkness.

Malora's mind whirled with the images of Lorena before she went missing. How would she look now? Would she be thin, almost sickly? Or robust and healthy, now that Louis was gone? Either way, she couldn't wait to see her. It would put her mind at ease, at least, and help her decide what to do concerning Titan.

When they finally touched down in Heathrow, it was dark and cold, and she was tired, but she was also wired. Henry was waiting with the car, and after inquiring about her health, he stowed their bags in the trunk, then drove away from the airport. The highway was packed with cars, so traffic was on the heavy side tonight. Malora almost wanted to get out of the car and rush to where Lorena was by foot even though she knew she was being irrational. Besides, Titan hadn't even told her where she was.

"Where is she?" She said to the window, unwilling to meet Titan's gaze, so he wouldn't see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"That's the thing, Mal. They don't know where exactly, but she arrived by plane last night."

She saw him staring at her through the glass window. "Why didn't they follow her? She could be anywhere in London right now!"

"You're being irrational, Mal. Just stay calm."

She pressed the groove of her palm into her right eye. "I can't be calm until I see my sister."

"I understand."

"Do you?" She snipped. Then sighed as she wiped her wet face with both palms. "I'm sorry. Here you are trying to help me and I keep sniping at you."

"It's fine." Then, "Can I hold you?"

The request made something in her go slack with relief. She wasn't sure he'd want to touch her after the row they had in Venice. Malora shifted until she was almost in his lap, and let herself sink into his chest as he wrapped both arms around her until he rested his chin on her head.

"Do you think she'll be fine?" She asked softly, eyes growing heavy and tired.

"Yes." He didn't sound convinced, though. But it was enough.

Malora felt herself being shaken, and she sat up to discover that they were back at the house in Mayfair. She must have fallen asleep because she'd missed the journey here. Titan climbed out of the car, helped her out, then started into the house. Henry had gone ahead to deposit their bags into the room.

The house looked clean and smelled faintly of bleach and cleaning agents. She went into the kitchen to have a glass of water, and leaned against the worktop after rinsing her glass and drying it on the rack.

She withdrew her phone from the pocket of her jacket, and placed a call to Mika, praying she'd answer. She wasn't disappointed.

"Hey, babes." Mika sounded tired. "How's it hanging?"

If she'd been in a good mood, Malora would have teased her friend for speaking in the American way to her. Mika had always been a quick learner, though. So, it wasn't surprising that she was using American catchphrases.

Malora filled her friend in on everything that's happened so far, including what Titan told her about Nathaniel and his mother. Mika sounded ready to burst from all the way over there.

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