Chapter 6: Lets get to work

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Waking up the sound of someone walking around, Malin groggily opens her eyes and notices the room is empty and everything appeared organized.

Looks like someone was busy.

Getting up, Malin begins searching for the alien and upon reaching the main entrance of his room, at the same time, Yithoth appears in front of her which startles the her.

"Oh sorry, I just woke up and...," she taps her fingers together. "I didn't expect to see you like this,".

The Yautja thrills a bit with his head tilted to the side until moving past her to reach for a rag, once he had grabbed it, he motions for his ooman to follow him to the room which held his armor. Grabbing his selected armor he sets it carefully on the ground and nods his head to Malin; attempting to instruct her what to do.

Confused, Malin grabs the helmet and looks into the familiar soulless eyes and got a better feel and look at it. By the mouth it had two sharp teeth that hung like tusks.Looking back at Yithoth she admires more of his appearance and soon realizes how much he looked like a large cat in her world. One who was elegant and strong with orange and dark brown. A tiger. Both were efficient hunters and both were just as beautiful as well as deadly. Doesn't help he has a habit of purring, only making him seem more like a giant cat.

Annoyed by her not knowing what to do, Yithoth grabs the cloth from Malin and grabs her chin roughly to look down at the helmet. Once her eyes where settled, he began to rub the cloth on the helmet while repeating the words to himself "gkei'moun". Stopping his movement and gazing at Malin he hands the cloth back to the girl and nods his head.

With her finally realizing what he wanted, she began to gently clean the helmet; removing any imperfections on it. As she did this, Yithoth watched as her soft pale hands moved in circles and cleansed the helmet. So far so good.

After she was done with his helmet, she showed the now shining metal to him for the Yautja to review. Gazing at it for a couple of seconds, he nods and points to the empty armor stand for her to set the helmet on but as she would get up, she would trip on the rag and the helmet would fall to the ground.

Immediately, the girl panicked and picked it up only for her heart to sink as she saw there was two cracks at the top and one on the chin.

Flaring his mandibles, Yithoth roars at the woman and takes it from her hands. Great his finest helmet was now damaged. Thankfully it was just a few scratches and nothing technical was damaged but the scars of it would remain.

"I'm sorry!" she cries as she sees his anger. "It was an accident,".

Letting out a hiss, the Yautja points for her to get out and with a whimper she runs out with a tear trailing over her cheek. She felt awful for what had happened and wish she can restart that moment and be more careful but now she has harmed something that was obviously dear to him.

Deciding to clean his armor himself, he debates if it would be best if she was moved to his previous plan of organizing but then he thought about her accidently killing herself by moving his weapons to their rightful spot so in the end, he decided on the most simplest task any 'aseigan can do and that is to aid in him bathing. He usually did not like anyone doing it but he had to put her to do something so she isn't seen as worthless to his relatives.

After he had cleaned his armor himself, he went outside to confront the girl who had her knees to her face and watery eyes.

"My god she is emotional," he says to himself as he walks up to her.

"I'm sorry for your helmet, is there any way I can make it better?" she asks as she sees the looming shadow of the yautja.

Shaking his head, he motions for her to get up and as soon as she had the will to get up, shamefully looking down at her feet, she follows him wherever he walked and as soon as they reach the other room, her lips part at the sight in front of her. In the ground, a large pool of sorts that oozed with steam. The area smelled sterile and clean with the sounds of the filtering water calming her nerves. For most Yautja, it was a luxury to own this particular pool. It was therapeutic to anyone who rested in its waters especially after a long hunt where your muscles needed to relax. For humans, he supposed it wasn't harmful since it was distilled and the heat was not enough to burn their skin.

Taking off his remaining armor, Malin looks away rather quickly as she sees him becoming bare until Yithoth began stepping into the pool. She waits there for further directions and as soon as he lifted his hand and beckoned her to him, she shyly walked over to the pool and was startled by Yithoth handing her another towel and letting out soft growls.

Her face turns red but not out of embarrassment but out of slight anger, "I'm not you're slave," she says as she throws the towel back at him and begins to walk away, making Yithoth flare his mandibles and hiss at her.

"Who does she think she is to deny her duties," he thought with his lower pair of mandibles getting wider until eventually his hand grabbed her ankle and forced the ooman into the pool with a shriek. She tries escaping his clutches but instead she is overpowered by his strong arms.

"gahn'tha-cte lou-dte kale," He curses at her and smacks her head as if she was a disobedient dog.

Malin's eyes furrow and she attempts to bite her way out but her chin his grabbed before she can make such moves. The yautja stares deep into her eyes with aggression but soon his face softened and he let go, giving Malin the chance to crawl out of the pool in drenched clothes.

"I don't know what you just told me but whatever it is, I'm not taking it," she growls lowly. "Is this what my purpose is? to be your lap dog? Your little maid that has to tend to your every needs?".

Yithoth lets out another growl and throws the wet towel at her, not meaning for it to hit her face and it was until she heard a slap is when he realized what he had done but instead of reacting aggressive, she simply cups her hands and splashes the water at him. Letting out a huff, Yithoth repeats her actions and splashes water onto her, causing her to squeak.

"I see how it is Tiger," she chuckles as she slowly gets back into the pool.

Tiger? What an odd nickname for a Yautja such as himself.

Cupping as much water as she can, she splashes him once more with a giggle until Yithoth fought back but instead with a far more powerful force of water on her tiny frame. Soon its just the two of them splashing water at each other just for the fun of it and in that moment, both forget who they are and simply enjoy the friendly competition but things would escalate as she gets brave and pounces into his chest and attempts to drag him deeper into the water only for him to keep her still in his lap as he tapped his mandibles at an increasing rate, however, as he would look at Malin, he sees her blushing as once again her most sacred area was brushing along his groin and due to the friction of her on his bare manhood, he felt his member begin to erect from within him. This unnatural event made him push her off of him to levitate the pressure which thankfully seemed to help.

Malin stares at him with a flushed face and lowers her head in shame. "I'm sorry," she says as she begins to get out of the water and leaves the area in a heated mess.

Upon seeing her leave, he can't help but feel off about him nearly getting an erection from a human. He wanted it to just be accidental but the more he thought about it, the more he felt himself grow hard and lustful. Oh Paya if his family where to know of his actions he would be seen as weak. Letting out a frustrated grunt he lays back to enjoy the water in hopes it would calm him down.

Meanwhile, Malin made her way back into his room where she immediately took off her damp clothes and covered herself in a blanket on the floor but as she laid down, a smile grew upon her face as she knew more about their species.

"They're sexual," she notes to herself, thinking about more information she can add about their biology.

Closing her eyes, she began to conclude her experience by expressing in full detail what she had felt. Firstly, the closer she got, the more she would feel something poke out and brush against her, secondly, why would he have such a reaction. Instead of taking the experience as a gross thing that shouldn't have happened, she thanked the Lord for this opportunity to see more anatomy of an alien life form but then her face turned from ecstatic to a blankness stare as she realized something.

"I gave him a boner," she shrills with her face turning even redder.

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