Chapter 1: New Mission

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She couldn't believe her eyes at the sight in front of her, she only thought seeing an alien was a thing she would never experience in her lifetime yet here she is, staring at it dead in the eyes.

"How we're you able to contain such a creature?" The young woman asks; amazed as her pale hand brushes along the cage that separated her and the retrained creature in anticipation.

"Let's just leave it at beating it till it was down," a dark-skinned man referred to as Lance responds assertively. His body leans against the frame of the cage as he looks at her with his gentle dark-brown eyes.

"Any casualties?", she mutters; clicking her tongue on her teeth.

Lance steps up and crosses his arms.
"No, not this time", he replies in his deep silky voice. "We made sure to check every corner of the trees and ground when hunting for this beast. The only major injury was one who accidentally triggered a trap it sent out for us, but overall, nothing that should concern you,".

"Well, I should be concerned if this thing was capable of wiping out an entire fireteam by itself," she jests playfully. "But I suppose it doesn't matter now that he's detained right?".

" Your safety is on the top of our list Ms. Jane," he assures as his hand pulls out a handgun. "One thing to note is despite them being built like a wall, a couple of bullets can wound it so no need to worry,".

" If that's the case... Why not you open that cage door and allow me to have a look?" She asks as  she ties her dark brown hair and puts on her gloves and mask.

"Of course Ms.Jane, he's all yours,".

Lance then leads her to the other side of the gate and motions for his men to surround the cage as Jane walks to the opening of the cage.

Her heart palpitates as she walks through the door and gets closer to the beast who is breathing softly with its strong upper chest syncing to its exhaling. Its skin glistened with a dried-up mixture on its body resembling that of a bright neon green.

As she kneels to the body, her hand immediately goes to feel the alien's broad chest. Under her touch, she feels the rough smooth skin exposed from the openings of the fish netting like clothing that covered its body and the small spines the stuck out of its chest. She lets out a delighted smile under her mask as the excitement of feeling another species hits in, and soon she gets lost in caressing the chained beast.

" Malin," Lance interrupts her from her high. She jumps up startled and lets out an awkward laugh.

"My apologies," she says with a flushed face and heads back to work.

She orders the men to hand her syringes and after receiving them through the bars of the cage, she cautiously inserts the needle into its arm and collects samples of its blood.

Her eyes widened with admiration as she sees the syringe fills with the same neon green substance that was on its chest only this sample was fresh so its glow was more pungent than its dried counterpart.

"So that's what was that green substance," she mutters to herself as she pulls out the needle and carefully places the syringe sample into a small case near the cage. When the samples were secured, her attention shifts focus onto the alien's face and curiosity took the best of her and she gets closer to it and touches the side of its face.

Its face was flat and had a mouth with flesh flaps attached to it and sharp mandibles at each edge that created an x when crossed. For its head, Jane was immediately drawn to its dreads; feeling them against her fingers as she studied what their purpose might be as well as admired its beauty.

"Anything you can conclude Ms.Jane," Lance asks suddenly.

Malin looks up and shakes her head." I know for sure that I need my lab for accurate testing and results, however, I theorize based on witness accounts to this creature, it turns invisible, Is that correct".

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