Chapter 5: Playing with my mind

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"Please," she begged as the Yautja appeared to straddle her from her view. The taunting clicks of his mandibles as he looked down at her with his nails wrapped around her hair and groin plating practically grinding on her womanhood. She felt helpless and small compared to him and it would be no surprise if she were to be broken by such a brute beast. She could do nothing but close her legs in hopes he won't do the unthinkable and thankfully, he simply just clicked some more and got off of her.

"Why?" she squeaks as he turned his heel on her.

Yithoth huffs and simply ignores her and instead begins removing his armor to get comfortable. Already this ooman was priceless, so easy to frighten and confuse. It was hilarious to think he of all Yautja would mount her. Imagine the disgrace his family would have knowing he had fucked a human. Interspecies relationships were taboo to them and if one were to be mated, their future offspring would be looked down upon, and no one would respect him. Even if he did just fuck her because she was easy to get and vulnerable, that would be a sin even if done to their own kind. There was no honor in rape, real warriors will earn the right to breed even if it was for a lower being such as herself.

Upon taking off his helmet on his bed, he catches Malin staring at him with cautious eyes. Playfully, he hisses at her causing her to jump which prompted the Yautja to click rapidly.

"Why do you click hastily when I do something, are you mad?" she asks as she looks at his body and relaxed face. " You don't seem angry,".

Yithoth clicks once again, humored by her interpretations. He guessed it was still her instinct to learn more about him but it would be rather hilarious to give her the wrong idea and make her wonder like a headless avian. However, if he were to keep her as his 'aseigan, she must learn his cues and his intentions. 

"Oh, is it your people's form of expressing something you find funny," she takes another guess, being correct as this time as the Yautja nodded his head at her question. 

Malin sighs in relief but soon her eyes widen upon realizing he can understand her  all this time. This creature knows her language.

"You can understand me can't you," she asks as she pulls her knees to her chest. "You know what I'm saying".

The Yautja playfully shakes his head, which causes Malin to let out a giggle that immediately caught his attention. It sounded so sweet and innocent that it was hard not to be fond of. He hasn't seem a human with this behavior before, yes some will joke but this ooman genuinely looked joyful. All human he had witnessed were begging for their life or their screams would echo through his ears so it was rare to witness content. Though he wasn't the most active in their community and only hunted high armed men, from what other Yautja have shared, these humans are strange

Playing with her hair, Malin carefully gets closer to the bed and admires him while he rested on his side. It was a huge contrast from when she first saw him. He was calm and appeared to have a sense of humor, he didn't seem like a beast, he appeared more human the more she thought about it. It made her feel bad he was chained up like an animal not seen as a complex emotional creature but just a beast that craves blood. As stated, if he truly was bloodthirsty to kill man, he wouldn't have helped her from the bullet. But yet again, he was her captor, keeping her here against her own will, maybe its just a honeymoon phase and soon she will realize her circumstances. If only she wasn't obsessed with new life, obsessed with discovering what man has little knowledge about. Everything felt bipolar, was it a good thing that she gets a hands on experience with new life or was it something that would be a burden on her life, never seeing her loved ones again and only being under control of a far stronger being.

Seeing her ogle him, Yithoth scoffs at her and turns his head the opposite of her direction. Though she might seem cute and naïve, he just hoped she would realize that she has a new purpose in life and that's to serve him, be the one to place his armor on his back and make sure he looks his best on his hunts. He appreciates that she's not all doom and gloom yet he just hopes her admiration doesn't make her lose focus. 

"I guess you need your rest," she says softly as she slumps down against his bed and pulls the fur blanket over herself. "Well goodnight I suppose,".

Yithoth clicks his mandibles lightly and pretends to be asleep. He just wanted her to fall asleep so he can get his personal chores done and once he sensed her fall into slumber, he carefully gets out of bed and moves into the room full of his newest collections full of skulls. Soon his little pet will be doing this job but as of right now, he grabbed a rag and began to polish his trophies. Better make it appear more grand than his hulij-bpe mei-jadhi, the last time he had seen her collection, everything still had blood and chunks of flesh from the hunt . She believes it adds value but to him, it appears tacky and grotesque compared to a skull you can see all the details of, but she had over the months decided to finally make her collection more presentable after their father praised him for his cleanliness and of course she always wanted to appease him. 

His father was a traditional male, always favoring the ideals of his ancestors which meant he believed a 'aseigan has no rights and are expected to be looked down upon, allowed be hit and bruised by their masters and others they might come across. He had little respect for humans and unlike some Yautja who will honor a human who has bested them, that only makes them a bigger target, makes them more valuable to hunt in the eyes of his father and the problem is, Ayath tries so hard to please him, she has the identical beliefs as him and would continue the harsh tradition of her father which meant his newly found pet was in danger if she were to become the clan leader. There would be no mercy and the conditions will only worsen. 

No, why was he thinking this, he sounded pyode, why was he debating with himself now about his ideals, he is different from his father but as far as his beliefs, one thing they can both agree on is that humans are weak why did it sound like he had sympathy for the oomans. 

What was this girl doing to his mind.


Wandering through the dense forest, Philip stopped at nothing to find Malin. He went alone and through his anger he lets out a shout and punches a nearby tree, prompting his knuckles to turn red and nearly bleed. Philip didn't even want to call out her name because every time he would try to shout, a knot in his throat formed and instead a gasp would come out. He had let this happen, he had shot her and everything began to feel heavy on him. He shot the albatross and now he wears it over his neck. This was a sin he couldn't forgive himself for. 

"Philip! Get back here, what did we tell you about wandering alone," Lance shouts to him as he runs to him. "Do you have any idea how dangerous this thing is, you saw it with you very own eyes yet here you are going by yourself,".

Philip grits his teeth and groans, "I have to fix this! I have to find her," he yells.

Lance grabs his shoulder and pulls on him roughly, "You are a mad man, you won't last a second with him, you're lucky he didn't shred you to pieces after Malin was down,".

"And I wish it where me instead that got shot, Malin was innocent in all of this bullshit and now she is trapped and probably dead by now. I have to shoot this motherfucker, I need to see him bleed," Philip continues to rants but soon he goes quiet and he slumps to the floor, unable to control his emotions for what had happened. The burden was too much for him to handle and for a man to cry is rare. Men were expected to be strong and never show the littlest emotion, especially for his job but as of right now, he couldn't help but lament. His cries echoed through the forest yet he couldn't give a damn, he couldn't handle his raw emotions that poured out of him. 

But then his misery turned to anger as he gripped the ground below him, his teeth gritted against each other and he swore once more to kill the bastard but this time, he didn't just want to shoot him, no he wanted to see him suffer and make him wish he were dead from what he had in store for him. Let the mother fucker rot while he is still alive and let him be the one who is degraded. Let him know what humanity was capable of. 

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