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As the sun set on a terrifying and, quite frankly, awful day, the five sat around the campfire, their hands grazed and scuffed from trying to start it. Each teen sat with their marshmallow, hovered just about the dancing flames, fascinating the lot of them. 

Teddy: That was the ultimate train dodge. Vern, you were so scared, you should've seen your face. You looked like Abbott Costello when he saw that mummy. 

Vern: I wasn't that scared!

"Veeern" the teens recited in perfect mocking unison, causing the boy to roll his eyes and focus on toasting his marshmallow. 
Enid soon noticed how eery the silence was when it arrived, everyone occupied with their own thoughts and recollections of the day. Yet, she had an idea. 

Enid: Gordo, how'd you feel about tellin' us a story?

Gordie: Meh, I dunno...

Chris: Yeah, come on!

Vern: Not another one of your horror stories! I don't wanna hear no horror stories. I'm not up for that, man. 

Before Gordie could even agree, the other four scooted together to face Gordie, staring up at him like a class stared up at their teacher. Enid clung to her jacket, frozen from the night's air that overpowered the fire's heat. The side of her shivering body was just brushing against Chris', the slight friction of her jacket putting goosebumps on his arm; he wanted to blame his blushing cheeks and the warm feeling in his chest on that too. 

He moved his arm from his side to prop himself up on the ground behind him, his hand buried in the dry dirt behind. However, he didn't care once the girl beside him had moved slightly closer now. 
Enid hadn't realised how close she'd sat to Chris until she felt his body-warmth through her jacket. Instead of moving, as she felt him lean slightly onto her, she relaxed. She reached her other arm behind her, propping herself up too.
 Chris' cold pinkie finger tapped against her's, and she flinched slightly, without a clue as to what she felt. However, as he brushed it against her hand, interlocking his pinkie with her's, Enid smiled to herself. The pair hadn't even realised that Gordie had begun his story until about a minute after. 

It wasn't until Gordie finished his story that the pair moved a muscle. They felt so subconsciously safe, leaning on one another in the cold air with their pinkies interlocked behind their backs. The four applauded the young storyteller, cheering and whooping. 

Chris: Now, that was the best... just the best.

Enid: Yet another good Gordie tale. 

Teddy: So, what happened after?

Gordie: What do you mean? That's the end.

Teddy: But what happened to Lardass?

Gordie: Uhh... I dunno. Maybe he went home and celebrated with a couple of cheeseburgers?

Teddy: Jeez, that ending sucks! Maybe he went home, shot his dad, ran away and... uhhh- joined the Texas rangers! Somethin' cool like that!

Enid reached over Chris to hit the boy with glasses, advising him to shut up and just tell Gordie how good it was. 

Enid: I really liked that story, Gordie. Might even be the best yet. 

ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕀𝕗 𝕀 𝕊𝕖𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥// A Chris Chambers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now