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I'm sure that everyone knows the saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover.' Well unfortunately, everyone does it anyway, and don't even try to deny yet. We've all decided not to read a book because of the not-so-amazing cover. I have too. 

But what you want is a cover that doesn't turn readers away, and there's a couple things that are important.

Number one: Relevance

Make sure that you're cover is relevant to the plot. I generally try to avoid celebrities like Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift and Zac Efron. Why? Because unless you cast them for your characters, they aren't relevant to the plot. And yes, I'm aware that a lot of books have people on them. But usually very famous people, and the person on the cover has more to do with the aesthetic for the book, (which I would count at relevant) than your undying love for that person.

And this is probably a good place to switch to my second tip thing which is (drumroll please)...

Number Two: Aesthetic

The aesthetic for the cover sets the tone for the book. It can also relate to the genre of your book. For example, a thriller, (again, tag me if you write one), might have a cover that's sporting a navy blue or black and a dark teal-green. Or something else. But it's really important. Choose or make your cover carefully.

If it's a sci-fi, there might be an electric blue. Or neon yellow. Or I don't know. I know nothing about that genre. But you get the point. Make it relevant.

Number three: Examples

Use other famous Wattpad book's covers as an example. Don't be so proud. Those authors have people who have a lot of experience make their covers for them. You gotta bet it's gonna be good. So take a book that's the same genre or something and use it as inspiration. Apply what you like about that cover to your own.

Number four: Consult yourself

Some of you may know and some may not, but my cover wasn't always like it is now. I tried to improve the old one, despite this one sitting in all of it's boring and dark glory. (I think I'll change it soon.) Well, the reason I changed my old one was because I decided that it was boring and it wasn't aesthetically pleasing at all. (Again, not that this one is, but it's better.) 

Be honest with yourself. If you saw your book floating around on Wattpad, would you read it? If not, the cover might be the problem.

Okay, it's currently 12:15 AM rn so I gotta get my booty to bed. But I wanted to finish this first, so there ya go! You're welcome! I sacrificed my priceless sleep for this!

So for in honor of my deceased sleep, I would be supremely delighted if you voted.

Right. Thanks. Now I gotta go and try to sleep. Byeeeee!

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