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Okay, someone came and told me that this is the same as chapter eleven, and I'm very sorry. I won't delete this, though. It's important.

I might be a tiny bit of a hypocrite in posting this, but I figured I wasn't doing too terrible, so I allowed myself to post this.

Updating regularly is important. (And yes, I know that I need to work on that too. I really need to stop the not update for three days then suddenly start updating schedule. Sorry.) It keeps your readers interested in the plot, and has them excited for the next update.

You want to update as often as usual. That way, it's much less likely that your readers will forget your plot and minor characters, and that just makes it easier for the readers.

Weekly is a good option. Choose a weekday, and you can update on that day every week. You have a decent amount of time to write, and edit as well. 

I wouldn't go for monthly updates. Yes, you would have a lot more time to write, but due to the gap in between the updates, they might lose interest quickly. Let's also keep in mind that that means you'll only update twelve times a year, and if you ask me, that's nowhere near enough.

So yeah, weekly is a good option.

Now I'm going to tell you what I plan to do.

I'm going to pre write my book before I post it on Wattpad. It's honestly the best choice for me, seeing as I'm someone who frequently faces severe writer's block. I can write whenever I feel like it, and I don't feel pressure to write even when I need to take a writing break, so I don't post crappy content. I can make sure I'm putting out my best work into the world, so my readers don't have to suffer through my writer's block chapters, and it also means that I can update daily. Writing is harder than posting, so I don't have to use all of my free time furiously pounding on my poor keyboard. Win-win! A win for my readers, who get to read my best works, and win for me, who get's to write when I feel like it. And it eliminates the chances of me falling off the face of the earth like some authors do after they decide that they're not feeling it anymore. 

So yeah. Those are your options. Updating weekly, which satisfies your readers, updating monthly, which satisfies you, or pre write your book and post daily, which means that you don't get to put out your work in the world immediately, but satisfies both you and your readers. 

Thank you so much for reading this! And I won't do the ten reads five votes thing but I would really appreciate it if you voted.

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