CHAPTER THREE: Avoid 'very' :)

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This chapter is going to different than my other ones. It's going to be a list sorta thing.

Just one thing before I start making a seriously long list: why this is important.

Because you don't want to overuse words. And there's simply better words than to say 'very good' or 'very beautiful'

Very broken: demolished

Very calm: Serene

Very ugly: hideous

Very small: petite

Very funny: hilarious

Very dirty: filthy

Very tall: towering

Very easy: effortless

Very wet: soaked, drenched

Very slow: sluggish

Very good: excellent

Very happy: ecstatic

Very exciting: exhilarating, thrilling

Very weak: frail

Very angry: furious

Very beautiful: gorgeous, exquisite

Very big: massive

Very loud: deafening

Very short: brief

Very sad: sorrowful, devastated

Very upset: distraught

Very cold: freezing

Very colorful: vibrant

Very competitive: cutthroat (Who else thought of Zendaya in the Bad Blood music video? No one? okay, just me then...)

Very confused: perplexed, puzzled

Very crowded: bustling

Very dear: cherished, treasured

Very dull: tedious

Very cute: adorable

Very fast: Swift (There's a reason why that's capitalized...)

Very fancy: lavish

Very simple: basic

Very shy: timid

Very scary: chilling

Okay, that might've not been a whole lot, but you can comment if you want other words too. I just wanted to have that so you can have the option of using this, and provide a space for you to ask for that.

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