CHAPTER SIX: Tip for writing romance :)

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I'll admit, this isn't something I know much about. But seeing that I read mostly writing tip books and romance, I think I can provide you with a tip. Or tips. We'll see. 

But I'm just saying, these tips come from a reader. Not a writer, I have never written a single romance book in my life. But because romance seems to be a popular genre on Wattpad, I though I'd include it.


Don't make your romance book just romance. Not just 'la la la la la we're in looooooove'

Add some pizzaz. Something else. Like a romance thriller, or a romance mystery. OR A ROMANCE THRILLER MYSTERY. I'd totally read that. (Tag me if you do write a romance thriller mystery)

But the best romance books I've read on Wattpad have something other than the romance. Some serious conflict with your mc's past. Your mc's passions. Your mc's ambitions. Your mc's mental health. Your mc's physical health. Something that your mc wants to learn. Something your mc needs to learn. Mommy issues. Daddy issues.

These are all things that can help your readers stay interested and keep them reading. 

Yes, some romance books are realistic and short and sweet. But if you write something like that, you have to make it realistic. There's always something that's bothering you, keeping you from sleeping at night. Bullying, your grades, cringey moments from the day that you keep replaying all night. Those are some more realistic problems. So incorporate them in your romance book. Make it relatable. That'll keep your readers commenting about past experiences, and that might just cause you to have a burst of inspiration. 

So yes, make it as realistic as possible, or as outlandish as possible.


Slow character development. Especially if your story has the enemies to lovers trope.

If they go from 'AGHHHH I HATE THEM SO MUCH' to 'OH MY FUDGING GODS YOU LOOK AMAZING IN THAT', that would be completely unrealistic. You can make the plot unrealistic, but keep the relationship realistic. 


And the grumpyxsunshine thing is amazing. Why? Because it's scientifically proven that opposites attract. Now, you will never forget that fact. You're welcome. 

You want your two protagonists in your book to really fit into each other. Have their sweet, adorable and sincere moments. But also have the playful bickering. Make them compliment each others personalities. Make them bring out the best in each other. You have to show, not tell how amazing their relationship is. How perfect they are for each other. 

I did three! I thought it would just be one! Well, your welcome.

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