°°Chapter 12: Inkwell Island°°

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"You guys live here?!?"
Cuphead nods,"Yeah, this is our home. Before we got into some trouble that lead to us meeting you.", he pointed to Bendy and Boris, Boris then checked the map again,"That's odd. . . It looks like we have to visit 3 different islands.", "3?!", Mugman nods,"Makes sense, Inkwell Isle is split into 3 different Islands.", "So that mother fucker sent us on a wild goose chase!!", Felix got curious,"What do you mean?", they followed Mugman and CupHead down the path to the first Isle,"Well, we got into some trouble and were sent on a mission to find the pieces before Bendy and Boris: And there were three this whole time on the Islands?!?", Oswald and Mickey looked around, Felix frowned,"So, three pieces are here in the Islands somewhere.", Mickey nods,"But where is the question.", Mugman looked up in the sky as the stopped at a fence,"It could be anywhere, also I'd keep an eye on the sky for Hilda, she might be around in the sky.", Bendy sat on the fence, resting and looking around, how could this be their home?!
Cuphead and Mugman look up a hill to a small house just away,"Hey, you guys can rest here for a moment we need to check something, is that fine?", Felix nods,"Of course.", so Mugman and Cuphead walked up the small hill to the house on the top of the hill.


Cuphead opened the door,"Elder Kettle??", the house looked empty, they entered the house and looked around for Kettle.
"Is he not here?"
"Cup, look here!"
Cuphead came back from their old room and to the kitchen, Mugman pointed to a note and then pulled it off the fridge.
'Heya Boys,
You got yourself in a pickle and left without a word, eh?
Don't worry, while you're battling the devil himself I'll find your friend.
What was her name? Chalice?
Good luck, my boys!'
Cuphead and Mugman looked at one another,"Think he ever found here?", "Hopefully. . .", Cuphead folded the paper, stuffing it in his pocket and they headed out of the house.
"You think he got Kettle?"
"Kettle doesn't have anything for them to take though."


"So, what's the plan?"
Boris and Bendy looked at the map,"We'll need to look around, hope for the best.", "Hm, what are the pieces on the first Island?", Cuphead and Mugman returned, Boris lead the map guide him and followed it.
"Cup and Mugs, you're back??!"
They jumped, Cuphead waved to Sally,"Heya, Sally Stageplay! Yeah, we're back for a bit um. How's things?", she smiled and twirled her umbrella around,"Been peaceful and my plays have been just as popular!", Mugman leaned out from behind Cuphead,"Hey, Sally? Have you seen anything odd, like dunno; odd people, odd items. . .???", Sally hummed, tossing the umbrella around a bit and swinging it as she thought about it.
"You know, maybe I have!"
She pointed to what looked to be a Bar by the lake,"The Frog Brothers, Ribby and Croaks, found this very odd music disc and has been playing it non-stop. If upu could get them to stop, that would be appreciated.", she then skipped up, still twirling the umbrella in her hands.
Boris checked the map, and sure enough the map was pointing towards the bar,"Maybe the disc is the next piece?", Cuphead nods, Mugman turned to them as they walked towards the bar,"We should warn you, both Ribby and Croaks are boxers and are pretty tough, just want to warn to be careful.", Oswald nods, Felix gave a thumbs up as he hoped this wouldn't be too hard.


Cuphead and Mugman opened the bar door and immediately they could hear the Record Player going on.
They saw the brothers laughing and near the Record Player.
"Of course they had to be near it."
"Anyway of convincing them to give up the disc?"
Cuphead and Mugman shrugged, but it was worth a shot, Bendy sat down to rest while Cuphead and Mugman walked over to the brothers.
"Croaks and Ribby?"
The two frog brothers stopped and turned,"Well, I'll be! Mug and Cups! We haven't seem you in months, how have ya been??", Cuphead shrugged, Mugman shook his hand a bit,"It's uh, debatable. Um, where did you get a new Record? It sounds new?", Ribby nods,"Believe it or not, we were sold it by some goat man, a real beat!", Cuphead and Mugman turned to one another,"For people that lived their whole life here, they really can't tell the difference between an actual goat and him.", Cuphead shrugged, turning back to the brothers,"Listen, can we maybe. . . Borrow the Record?" the brothers stood up, making Mug and Cup back up a bit and jump, the others in back got nervous especially seeing the Record begin to glow.
"You wanna borrow it?"
"Only if ya beat us!"
Cup and Mug groaned as they realised they had to fight them.


Bullets from Cuphead and Mugman flew around and the brothers throwing punches!
Oswald looked at Felix,"Could it be the record making them want to fight?","That is a good theory!", Boris and Bendy were hidden under the table, Bendy under the effects again,"We have to djo something! We can't kill the brothers, they look like they've known Cup and Mug for years!", Mickey pointed to the Record Player,"We gotta stop the Record playing, if it's on loop then we just need to take it out.", Oswald nods, ducking his head as he heard a plate being smashed!
Boris peaked out and was completely take back by how Cup and Mugs were dodging and trying to hit the Brothers.
"Okay, we just need to stop the Record."
Mickey crawled under the tables to get to the Record player, pausing in chase he was seen by the frog brothers and in case they broke another table.


Then it came to an abrupt stop.
Mickey took it out, curious,"Gold Records by Sammy Lawrence.", the brothers ducked the frogs punch and Mickey tossed the disc to Felix,"Well, looks like the music stopped and uh. . . Are you 4 alright?", Cuphead and Mugman give a thumbs up, Ribby and Croaks looked to be a daze on the floor.
"Must have put them in a trance."
. . .
"Let's go before they uh. . .?"


"Anything else on the record?"
Felix checked the label, under the title was a company logo,"Joey Drew Studios.", "Drew?", Mickey frowned,"Didn't that human mention to 'kill Drew'?", Felix nods,"Sounds like it, so this Drew is an actual person; Why kill Drew though?", they shrugged, but Mugman shrugged,"If the Record was able to put them in a trance, items are guarded by ink creatures, I think whoever this Joey Drew person is, isn't a good person.", Boris checked the map,"And it looks like the next stop is the next Isle.", Cuphead groaned, Mugman chuckled,"Oh boy. . .", "What's wrong?", Mugman rubbed the back of his neck,"The thing is, the next Island is a Carnival and there's a clown. . .", Boris sunk to the ground, Bendy chuckled as Boris didn't exactly have a interest in clowns.
"I just find him annoying!"
"Cup, be nice."

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