°°Chapter 4: Ink Caven°°

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"Remember, dear; You stay close to Mickey and myself, you also need to behave."
"Okie Daddy!"
So the team was now: Bendy, Boris, Cuphead, Mugman, Felix, Oswald, Mickey and the bunny kid.
Boris lead the way as Mugman spoke a lot to him and Mickey, Cuphead and Bendy still had small arguments but kept the swearing down as now they had a literal child with them that was sitting in Oswald's bag.
"So, have you ever been to Ink Caven, Felix?", "Hm? I unfortunately haven't, I've wanted to but never had the time but I've heard many many wonderful things.", Oswald nods, smiling,"Yes, it is a lovely place. . . But.", Felix looked at Oswald, noticing the slight frown,"I've had a bit of sinking feeling since we left to find Figaro, it makes me worry if something happened to Ink Caven.", Felix nods, looking at the child that had been sleeping in the bag, but Felix tired to smile,"I'm sure if something has happened, I'm sure we'll fix it.", Oswald nods,"Hey, guys!", Boris smiled and Mickey pointed in front of them was the entrance to Ink Caven.


"That's odd. I wonder where the guards are."
They came to the wooden doors that blocked their way of getting in.
Bendy turned to Oswald,"So, where is your shortcut inside if these guards aren't here?", Boris turned to Mickey as Oswald went to the side of the wooden gates,"Why do they need guards?", "Well, I wouldn't call them guards, but they just make sure no threats come in.", Boris nods, Mugman noticed that the door seemed to have been opened or someone tired to as it looked to have a few scratches on the door.
"Aha! They didn't close it off."
Oswald smiled, the others came over and saw it was a door,"Wah-?", Mickey opened the door and went in first, followed by the others as Oswald looked behind them having this feeling still and worried if this gut feeling was going to be true.
. . .


"Oh. . . My goodness. . ."
The town was drained of any colour it had, Ink puddles all over and it seemed like the houses had been stained like the town had been flooded but the town fountain was still clean and operating just fine.
. . .
"What happened here. . .? Where is everyone. . .?"
Mickey was shocked, Oswald was as well since this town was once full of joy and colour but it had been drained.
Boris looked around,"What happened here. . .", Mugman shivered,"I dunno, but this definitely doesn't match the description.", Oswald looked around himself,"I am aware, but I don't see anyone or anything that suggests life.", Bendy nods,"Yeah. . . But, why and what happened to everyone?", "AHH!!", the group jumped and turns their heads to the sudden screams,"Cup?!?", "Mug?!?!", Mugman was in his brother's arms, looking down they noticed a pile of. . . Ink that was alive and seemed to be like a little blob with little arms,"WHAT IS THAT THING?!?", "DON'T LET IT BITE ME!!!", Felix quickly stepped forward,"No, no, no. It's okay. While this odd for this creature, I'll be sure it doesn't hurt you.", Boris seemed interested in the creature,"Aw, it's so cute, what is it Felix?", Felix pointed to it,"This is Inkling, they usually stay in dark places that are surrounded with Ink but they are usually hostile to anyone that comes in their territory.", Mugman got down from Cup's arms,"O-Oh, we're not. . .in their territory right or, they can't claim a territory right?", Felix shook his head at Bendy's question,"No, no. Which is why it may not be hostile, but why it is here is beyond me.", Boris knelt down to the small inkling,"Hey little guy, think you can tell us what happened here?", it made a few odd noises, but it pointed with it's little arms past the fountain and up the hill where more ink was staining the ground and the homes.
"Oh boy. . ."
Felix nods, he reached into his bag and dug through it,"Perhaps I should go ahead, the rest of you can check the houses and maybe find out what happened here.", Felix then tossed Mickey a Walkie Talkie, Bendy looked unsure,"Are you sure?", "Positive and this time we have a way of contact now.", Felix smiled, Oswald stepped forward as he stepped away from the inkling,"Well, myself and Mickey have visited this town many times and I can help you with navigation.", Felix tipped his hat,"That would be awfully nice of you, though I do not wish to put you in harms way.", Oswald smiled,"No need to worry, I have a few tricks up my sleeve that my surprise you.", Felix thought about it, he then nods,"If you're sure Mr Oswald.", Mickey turned to his brother,"Are you sure?", "I'll be fine Mickey, stay with them and see if you can find anyone that can tell us what happened.", Mickey nods, and so the group split up to find out what happened to the town.

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