Chapter 5

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Andy's POV

Andy woke up to find that Blaine had already left. Frowning, he got up and checked his phone. Today was his first day back at school since the accident. Andy decides he needs a shower. He probably smells like a trash bin full of crap. He couldn't stop thinking about the day before. Andy didn't feel right lying to Blaine, but he didn't want to tell him he remembered the first time he realized he had feelings for Blaine. Which would ruin his friendship with him. Andy looks at the bedroom door and sees a note. He grabs it and it reads: "I had to go meet my girlfriend. Take anything you need. I should be back before school. I'll walk with you back to your house. See ya -Blaine."

Andy got ready for school while he waited for Blaine to come back. He tried to think of how they would even get to school. Andy's truck was destroyed in the crash. Blaine didn't drive and Blaine's mom had already left for work. He didn't remember how far the school was from Blaine's house, but he figured it was far enough away that he didn't want to walk. He may have to ride the bus. The loud, obnoxious bus. Andy takes his phone out and sends a text to Blaine.

Andy: "How are we getting to school today? I'd rather not take the bus."

Blaine: "Don't worry, I'm going to get us a ride."

Andy: "Who? I don't trust the driving of most of your friends."

Blaine: "I'll ask my girlfriend. Don't worry, she's a decent driver."

Andy: "Alright, I guess I'll trust you on this."

Blaine's POV

Blaine got up early so that he could meet his girlfriend. He tried to be extremely quiet, so he didn't wake Andy. Not being able to drive, Blaine had to walk to the coffee shop. He was almost there when he received a message from his girlfriend.

Annie: "You better show up this time, bitch!"

Blaine: "Yeah, yeah. I'll be there. Calm down."

Blaine enters the coffee shop just minutes later. He searches for her and finds her sitting in a booth in the far corner, looking at her phone, clearly bored. He walks up to her, getting ready to deal with the crap.

"I told you I would be here. You should stop doubting me."

She looks up at him with a blank expression. "Well, I never know if you have time for me. You're clearly distracted by your new boyfriend."

Blaine sits down across from her, "He's not my boyfriend. I have a best friend, ever heard of those? Or are you friendless?"

Her face twists as she looks at Blaine with a disgusted look."Oh, shut up. You know I have friends. If I remember correctly, that's how we met. You hooked up with my friends and my boyfriend."

Blaine's face loses all color, "What? I never slept with a dude."

"Yes, you did. I even have the video. You got drunk and started hanging all over Carl."

"Carl? As in my friend Carl."

"Yeah, who do you think, dumbass?"

"Not a dude, but I guess I was desperate. I don't fucking know. I don't like guys."

"Well, that video clearly tells a different story."

"Who the fuck recorded it? That's an invasion of privacy."

"Carl did. It wasn't my idea!"

"What the fuck? So, he's just been carrying around a video of us screwing each other this entire time?"

"Well, technically, he's screwing you. We were going to post it, but someone wrecked their truck."


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