Chapter 4

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Blaine's POV

"You're my best friend and I want to be there for you through all of this," Blaine tells Andy.

"Thanks. This is all so much."

"You have me." They are walking down a path in the park when Blaine notices a nice shady spot under a tree. "Let's sit down for a few minutes," he tells Andy as he guides him up the hill to sit under the tall tree.

"This is a pretty nice spot. Have we ever been here before?"

"Yeah, you used to bring me here to sit and watch all the people living their lives. You loved to watch people, and I enjoyed watching you."

Blaine and Andy look into each other's eyes. Suddenly, Blaine starts to slowly lean in, moving his hand to Andy's cheek. After seconds, their lips connect. The kiss lasts for several seconds while they wrap their hands around each other. Holding each other close like they can't get close enough, Andy randomly pulls away. Blaine watches as Andy stares in shock at the ground. "Hey, you alright?" Andy looks back up to Blaine. He notices that Andy's eyes are tearing up when Andy collapses in a flood of tears. Blaine instinctively moves towards Andy and holds onto him.

Blaine wakes up in a cold sweat. Quickly getting out of his bed and heading to the kitchen, he gets a glass of water. Looking at the clock, he notices that it's only 4am. What the hell was that dream? Blaine heads back to his room, throwing himself onto his bed as he tries to decipher what it all means. Does it mean he likes Andy? What the hell is he supposed to do with this? He grabs his phone, pulling up snap and is about to text Andy until he sees Andy hasn't been active since the accident. He doesn't have a phone. As he is looking on snap, he receives a text from his girlfriend and guilt overtakes him. He just had a dream about kissing a guy... and he has a girlfriend. He clicks on the message and it reads: "Hey, babe. Are you home yet?"

Blaine: "Yeah, I made it back home hours ago."

Annie: "Then why didn't you tell me? I missed you. It's not that hard to call someone or atleast send a text, my god."

Blaine: "I'm sorry I was exhausted, so I went to bed. I just woke up."

Annie: "Are you sure you were with Andy, or was it some flavor of the week?"

Blaine: "Seriously????!!!! Did you not hear that Andy was in a wreck? Can't you be more sensitive?"

Annie: "And can you treat me like a fucking human for once? I have needs, you know."

Blaine: "I was with Andy all night. Sorry, I'm not at your beck and call all the time. I have a life outside of you."

Annie: "Maybe that's the issue. I should be your entire world. I could have anyone I want, but I chose you."

Blaine: "Good for you because I'm fucking amazing."

Annie: "Cocky much?"

Blaine: "Says you. I don't want to fight."

Annie: "Then listen to me more. That's all I'm asking."

Blaine: "I listen to you. But you don't."

Annie: "I listen. God, you're so aggravating."

Blaine: "I have to go to bed. I have plans tomorrow."

Annie: "Let me guess. It's with your new boyfriend Andy, who you seem to care more about than me."

Blaine: "God no. He's going through a hard time and I'm going to help him through it."

Annie: "Why are you so nice to everyone but me?"

Blaine: "I am nice. Maybe we just aren't compatible."

Annie: "What the actual fuck? Are you breaking up with me?"

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