Years (Off/Gun)

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He was so tired. Off felt like he could sleep for years, but he had to drag his heavy body to the airport. He was looking forward to a fan meeting in Japan, but he was more excited to spend quality time with Gun. Their schedules were full since they had a lot of series to film, and they couldn't see each other so often. Off was started to get Gun deprived. The video calls weren't enough anymore. He stepped inside the airport hall, letting security and his manager lead the way as he pulled the luggage behind him. His eyes were searching for his small partner. Gun was standing not far from their fans, talking with P'Kwang. Almost immediately, his smile grove broader. His baby was dazzling, never failing to surprise him with his fashion sense. 

Off quickened his steps, arriving at Gun's side in no time. He wrapped his arms around the slim waist, feeling his boyfriend's warmth through the oversized shirt. 

"Papii!" Gun squeaked happily, snuggling closer to his side, and it was all Off needed for his tiredness to disappear. 

OffGun September Collection of Drabbles 2022Where stories live. Discover now