Honest (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 21/??? of Sean/White/Black story. 

It was a late night, and White was exhausted. Black dragged him to the old couch, pushed him down and wrapped him in the blanket, creating a perfect warm cocoon. White was fighting the sleepiness, but it was tough.

"P'Black, tell me honestly what's going on. Why was P'Yok shot?" He asked, his eyes barely open.
"You should sleep. We will talk tomorrow." Black answered, taking off his glasses. White wanted to talk now, but he was too tired.

"Tomorrow, promise." He whispered before his eyes closed, and he fell asleep. 

The morning came too early for White's liking. His whole body was stiff from sleeping in the cramped space, but he was still somehow refreshed. 

"He's awake." He heard Gram's voice announcing.

"Good morning, P'Gram." White smiled at the older man as he tried to sit up. 

"Not morning anymore, White. More like afternoon." Gram laughed, helping him to sit. 

"I need to go to work." He exclaimed, trying to get out of the tight cocoon. 

"Stop. I called Nuch and told her you weren't feeling well." Black interrupted, sitting next to him. White automatically snuggled closer to his brother, not protesting anymore. It was true he would welcome a one day of rest. He yawned a little, receiving light chuckles from Black's friends. Sean and Gram managed to take place in front of them, with Gumpa handing him a cup of steaming coffee. White accepted it gratefully.

"Hi, White." Sean waved at him, and White had to focus on the movement because, without his glasses, everything in front of him was a big blur. He overheard Black's low growl before his glasses were back on his nose. 

"Thank you, P'Black." White smiled cutely at his twin. 

"How's P'Yok?" He asked. 

"He woke up two hours ago, I gave him the pills, and he fell asleep again." The guy from yesterday answered. White blinked a few times, adjusting his glasses before he spoke up again.

"No fever?" 


"That's good. But you still need to take Yok to the clinic later." He reminded, taking a sip from the cup. The hot liquid pleasantly burned his throat, warming him. Cuddling even closer to this twin, he observed the group. Gumpa, Gram, Sean and the unknown man seem relieved yet nervous at the same time. He did understand why. Their friend got injured, and it must have frightened them. He still wanted to know what happened, though. Why was his big brother keeping secrets from him? 

"Before we explain what's going on, let me introduce you first," Gumpa said.

"White, this is Dan. He's a police officer. And before you ask. He knows who you are." He finished. 

"It's nice to meet you, doctor White. I wish it would be in different circumstances, though." Dan smiled at him, and White had to fight the urge to hide in his brother's chest. He nodded at the police officer and peeked curiously at his twin. He was curious about what was his big brother up to. 

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