Service (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Someone asked for a continuation of demon Khai/Third. 

The apartment was dark. The lights remained turned off, and Khai didn't even think about them as he dragged the younger demon inside. The electricity was probably out of service, anyway. They were both drenched from the sudden rain. Third's eyes were still burning bright red, and even Khai had a hard time keeping himself calm. Demon's eyes had this fascinating power to seduce anyone. But Third's eyes were different. The shorter demon touched his arm, sending electric currents through his body. 

The lightning illuminated the room, making him flinch. Trees on the street bend under the strong wind, and the rain creates a thick wall. Khai gulped, glancing back at Third. Their eyes meet, and he feels it in his bones. The weather outside was Third's fault. Khai swallowed invisible saliva. There was only one reason why. Third, came to Earth to find his mate. He will have to help him tame his powers and help to find his mate. 

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