Club (Pick/Rome)

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It was still dark outside when Pick's eyes opened. The alarm clock didn't go off yet, so he turned to his side, ready to cuddle with his favourite person. To his surprise, the spot beside him was empty. He groaned in annoyance before leaving the comfortable warmth of his bed. Pick paddled down into the kitchen, the only place his beautiful and overly enthusiastic better half could be. As he stepped inside the room, he got greeted with a familiar sight. Rome was humming some unknown song, wriggling his cute perky butt to the rhythm as he stirred something delicious smelling in the pan. Pick tiptoed behind him, wrapping his long arms around the slim waist. 

"Why are you up so early?" Pick asked, burying his nose in Rome's fluffy hair. 

"In case you forgot, we are helping P'Porsche with club activity today," Rome answered, chuckling. 

"Remind me, why are we helping him again? It's his problem that he agreed to be a club adviser." Pick huffed. Rome turned off the stove, spinning in Pick's arms to face him. 

"Because he's your best friend, and you secretly love the club too." Rome giggled, placing a quick peck on Pick's lips. 

"I like this kind of reminder. Can you do it again?" Pick suggested, but instead of the kiss, he received a smack on the chest. 

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