Chapter 5: Humility

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A/N: I'm going to try and keep this on a consistent schedule for my sake and yours, I'll update bi-weekly at the max. Thanks for sticking around and being patient, I hope this story is interesting to you guys. Also, this story is based in 2022, just to make times more comprehensible

Review(s): For: Loreto123x I know, our poor baby boy :(

We are still in Luffy's POV btw!


It was early evening, and Luffy was walking around the streets of Dawn. The townspeople had gotten the whole town decorated for the music festival. He was sitting next to the statue of his brothers and him enjoying the scenery.

One of the things Luffy misses the most is performing. He was glad that his town loved him and his brothers enough to celebrate their lives through music.

He was sitting on top of the statue watching people go by, enjoying the scenery.

"By the way, Zoro, the town has a memorial concert for the boys at the end of the festival, in case you wanted to know," a dark-haired woman arrived in front of the statue with two others.

One had electric blue hair, and the other was a tanned young man with light green hair. He saw the earrings on his left ear. He jumped down and wanted to play with them.

"Really? "That's nice of them," the green-haired man, most likely named Zoro, replied softly. He turned around to face his older friends. "How long is it before the concert starts?"

Luffy brightened at the question. Even though no one besides Koala and Marco would know, he was glad people were excited to see them perform.

After that one-sided interaction, Luffy left to find his siblings. He wanted to hang out with them for a little bit before he wanted to perform.


Around 10 minutes before the show, Marco and Koala got onto the stage to introduce them to the crowd, ready to jam out to their classic hits.

Soon after that, the brothers were on stage ready to perform, mainly for themselves, watching the videos of them singing. After a brief moment of silence, the crowd gave them, and Luffy gave a quick thanks to the crowd and started to perform.




It was an amazing two hours. After everyone went home, Luffy told his two brothers that he would say thank you to the visitors today.

After a few houses, Luffy found the beach house along the shore. After going in, he saw a green-haired man, apparently named Zoro. For unknown reasons, Luffy was intrigued by the man. He looked slightly older than himself. Though Luffy can't really age anymore, he died at 19, and so far is forever 19.

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