Chapter 4: All Alone

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A/N: Sorry guys, didn't mean to wait this long for a new chapter but I injured my finger at work and I finally able to type again. I'm also going to reply to my reviews from now on, I like seeing your feedback so much. I hope you enjoy this chapter! This is also going to be from Luffy's POV all the way up until the moment we left off from.


Luffy was bouncing off the walls, literally, being a ghost, he didn't have to follow the rules of physics, unlike humans. He loved the fact that the people in his town didn't demolish his house, to be fair he is still a celebrity, even in death. Luffy was waiting for his brother to arrive, while his other one was dead to the world, (pun intended), snoring his ass off on his childhood bed. After a few more minutes of hopping around, he felt a hand grab him by his collar.

"Luf, you're being too loud, what are you even excited for this early in the morning?" Ace, Luffy's freckled face brother asked as he was wiping the sleep away from his eyes.

"It's 1 p.m. already! also ghosts don't need to sleep," Luffy said teasingly as he was still floating above his brother, after a bit of bickering, the two noticed their brother Sabo floating into the room.

"I've only been gone for 25 minutes stop arguing, anyway Luffy, why did you want to wait until Ace woke up to tell me something?" Sabo asked as he got comfortable on his old bed.

Luffy smiled blinded the other two, "Remember, it's the anniversary of our deaths soon, and the music festival is coming up, I hear the town is planning on doing something." Luffy said excitedly, even though he can't interact with them.

Ace looked at Luffy confused, "They've been doing it since we passed 2 years ago, why are you so surprised?" Ace asked.

Luffy just rolled his eyes and comically dangled off his brother's shoulders, "Well duh Ace! It's going to be different this year, I can feel it! Maybe my person will come?"

A brief silence was felt in the room, there were puzzled looks on the elder's faces.

"Humor me, what feeling are you getting?" Sabo looked at his twin in concern, Ace and he found their partners before they passed, so being able to be bonded with their partner after death was only natural... but Luffy didn't get the chance to find his one and only, and they weren't sure if Luffy would ever have that chance.

Luffy got up from Ace's shoulders and flew to his bed in the room, he uncharacteristically got a bit sentimental.

"Well ... it's rare to have a soulmate, I know that already. I remember how you both felt when you realized you could both still touch and speak to Marco and Koala." Luffy held his tears in, he was a very social person, and the fact that he can't have a friend or partner to talk to and actually touch... felt very lonely.

"I feel this huge bubble in my throat when I think about the festival coming up, I wonder if something will happen to me for once?" Luffy said dejectedly, it was worrying his brothers.

Ace and Sabo knew that Luffy was a hyperactive-social butterfly, and it made the two feel guilty, even if it wasn't their fault.

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