Chapter 2: Momentary Bliss

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AN: Hello second chapter! I'm glad some of you guys were able to like the first chapter, I don't have an exact schedule to update this story, i'm just going with the flow for now. I'm still trying to rewrite my others stories as well at this time, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Two weeks passed by in a flash, summer break had officially started for the students of Grandline State University, Zoro was packing his stuff last minute and trying to hurry up before Nami and Vivi come by and pick him up. The last thing he needed to have was Nami yelling or smacking the shit out of his head.

Speak of the devil, his phone was buzzing, he dug it out of his pocket to see a text from Nami.

"From: Little Witch at 12:15PM

You have 5 minutes to finish packing, were almost to your dorm"

Zoro rubbed his face at the threat, thankfully he was almost done, it helped that his kendo equipment was already neatly bound together. He was packing the last of his clothes and then went to put the final shirt in, the shirt of his favorite band that came in the mail yesterday. Zoro was panicked when he got the email after the day everyone was together saying,

"Customer Roronoa Zoro,

We apologize for the notice, order #11090505 has been delayed, for more information click this link below"

He wanted to smack his face when he first got it, but after waiting, he finally placed the last shirt in his suitcase. Exactly 2 minutes later he heard knocking at his door.

He picked up his kendo bag and suitcase and walked towards the door, opening the door, he was greeted by Nami and her girlfriend Vivi.

"That's everything your bringing Zoro?" Nami looked at his suitcase with a skeptical look.

"I don't need to bring a whole store with me for a trip Nami," Nami rolled her eyes at the remark.

"Well we have a huge R.V. so you can put your stuff in the back, you're the first one we picked up too, so you get first dibs on where to sit," Vivi told Zoro as she gave him a brief side-hug to say hello and then went to pop open the trunk for Zoro.

When Zoro walked into the R.V. he looked around and was impressed at the quality of the vehicle, "Nice R.V. Vivi," Zoro briefly said before he found the couch towards the back; In no time he fell asleep as soon as he lay on the cushion.

When Zoro woke up again, it was due to Usopp and Chopper fighting over the last seat, he saw everyone already in the vehicle as well.

It was starting to get on his nerves, (as if he wasn't a short fuse anyway when it came to his friends) he just wanted to nap the whole way, or at least most of it.

"Usopp didn't he help you get an 'A' on your last assignment, let him choose where he wants to sit before I make you sit with me." Zoro saw Usopp roll his eyes and let Chopper take the seat


"Thanks, bro," Chopper got settled and now everything was ready to go. Nami will be in control of directions, while Franky and Jinbe will take turns driving.

"Okay guys get comfortable, Dawn Island is roughly 12 hours away, maybe 10 if we don't run into idiots on the road," Nami told the others in the back.

Franky was the first to drive, Jinbe was going to nap so he can have energy for his turn, and Chopper was playing a 3-way hand-console game with Usopp and Sanji. Robin and Brook were both reading their respective books, and Vivi was also napping so she can take over for Nami when they take a break.

Now that Zoro knows that his friends are all busy, he felt at ease, now on to take a nap.

"So how long are you staying here?" a voice that didn't have a face started speaking, the voice sounded comforting and loving.

"I think the whole summer, I go back to school for the last time around September, " Zoro spoke to the anonymous figure.

"Well make sure to come back, I'll miss you, you're the first company I personally had in a while," Zoro looked at them, he grabbed their hand, and held it.

"I promise," after those words were spoken all there was left was a light giggle..



"Zoro, you might want to wake up before Sanji hits you," a gruff voice was talking"What?" Zoro was trying to process what he heard

"You warned him Jinbe, at least you tried... NOW WAKE UP MARIMO" and just after that, Zoro woke up to an unpleasantly familiar kick to his side.

"SHIT-BROWS! EVER HEARD OF SHAKING SOMEONE AWAKE?!" Zoro yelled at the blond's face.

"Alright! that's enough boys," Robin closed her book and looked at the two rivals smiling.

"You unsurprisingly slept the whole time Zoro, we're here, help us take our stuff into the house," Nami said as she walked out hand in hand with Vivi.

Zoro sighed, he couldn't get peace for 5 minutes. After a few hours, everyone was completely settled in.

After Sanji cooked everyone and meal, everyone went their separate ways for the night. Zoro was in his room, he immediately opened the window doors towards the balcony. Feeling the nice weather around him, he genuinely felt relaxed, Vivi's beach house had amazing scenery.

'Oh shit," Zoro's eyes widened in surprise, towards the city Zoro was able to see a statue. Standing proud as the 3 lovely boys from Dawn Island were D3. Ace had a bass guitar in his hands, Sabo was on the drums, and Luffy was in the front with his guitar. They were built to perfection in his eyes, while he respected Ace and Sabo, he couldn't help but only look at Luffy's smiling figure.

After realizing he was outside for too long, Zoro went to relax in his bed.

"Now what was that dream I had earlier?" he asked himself as he closed his eyes again for the night.

"Shishishi-" Zoro sat up and furrowed his brows at the noise, after picking the wax he had in his ear, he laid back down to sleep...

Wondering what's to come tomorrow.

Okay! Chapter 2 is done, sorry if the driving scene felt a bit fast-paced, it was hard to write dialogue for all the members save for Luffy. Now..what will love-struck Zoro (even if he won't admit it) dream about? Will the main boy appear soon???? who knows?

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