Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
Izuku sighed.
"This is turning into a real shit show isn't it?"
"Pffft- THATS your reaction for some creature regrowing its head?"
"Listen KM, i'm just done with everyobody's sh-"
Izuku was interrupted by Nomu dashing and throwing a powerfull punch at them.
Smoke erupted and the ground cracked.
The students and Aizawa were staring with wide eyes at the place where Izuku stood and Shigaraki was grinning.
"Well so much for th-"
Voice sounded behind him.
Shigaraki's head turned around so quickly you could almost hear his neck snap.
Izuku was there holding his coat.
"Do you have ANY idea how much this thing costs? I've had it custom made! And its already missing a sleeve!"
As he yelled these things just now his classmate noticed that Izuku's arm is missing and shock filled all of them.
"Thats what you're worried about?"
KM stood behind Izuku sweatdroping, before his eyes narrowed a little.
'Izuku..please no, you're starting to sound like him.'
His posture straightened too.
'Plus, his voice is no longer glitching either. That is a bad sign...or good actually, his powers are more under his control.'
His gaze went to Izuku as soon as he heard him speak.
"I do not know how to fight with one arm. So..."
Izuku turned his head to KM but not all the way looking at him only with his normal eye.
"Will you please help me?"
KM allowed a little smile on his face.
'Well, thats one thing William wouldn't do.'
"Yes, i shall aid you in any way that i can."
Izuku smiled and turned to Shigaraki, his righ eye blazing dark blue colour.
"Then lets go."
Just as he finished saying that Shigaraki was in front of him, his hand only a couple of moments away from his face, before he stopped in mid air.
His eyes widened.
'Those fucking strings!'
A half white and half black blaster was next to Shigaraki opening its jaws.
Before the blaster could fire Nomu punched it, destroying its jaws thus making it useless.
Shigaraki touched the strings reducing them to ashes and launched again.
This time both Shigaraki and the Nomu were restrained by red chains.
Before KM could however throw them back black mist enveloped the two, freeing them.
Shigaraki was now next to KM and touched his elbow. KM's eyes widened in minor pain as his skin started to desintegrate.
'Five finger touch based huh?'
His mind screamed at him.
But... not his.
KM screamed just as Nomu at Allmight level speed appeared next to Izuku and his right arm bulged as it punched.
'So...this is it huh? No way i can dodge that. Its gonna tear my head off.'
Izuku hears even Nightmare in the back of his mind screaming "FUCKING DODGE YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!"
'Yea... i'm not making it.'
As Izuku accepted his death.
Time stopped.
A figure dressed in a suit without a suit jacket, red tie, black vest and black trenchcoat was standing next to Izuku. His gaze hidden by sunglasses.
His short brown hair were moving as if there was wind even thought the time stopped.
"...would that be everything from you? So dissapoiting."
The short man sighed.
"Oh well, not like i'm letting you die."
The man then used his finger to move Nomu's hand slightly. Now it would miss Izuku's head by few inches.
"Did you speed up Allmight?"
"Yes, he should be here in 40 seconds."
Woman wearing black jeans and white shirt responded. Her eyes hidden by perscription glasses that were reflecting light as she was clicking something on her tablet.
"Very well, that should be everything."
The end of the man's coat expanded sinking into shadows and as he walked the shadows were growing and soon they were all over the world.
This world that is.
"Do not dissapoint me again, my first ever creation."
The shadows dissapeared and time resumed once again.
Nomu's punch missed Izuku but the air exploded and a shock wave pushed him back as he puked out blood.
'FUCK! My ribs...i can't move.'
He landed in his back, he sweared he could hear cracks. His bones probably...oh yea? Didn't he have weak body?
His consciousness started slipping but not before he heard something.
A wind pressure from his right appeared.
Izuku already passed out. So he didn't notice one thing.
As soon as Allmight saw Aizawa and Izuku.
He stopped smiling.

When Izuku awoke again, he was in pain. He also noticed he was in the throne room, so he knew he wasn't actually awake.
And still hurt.
"Stay calm and don't move much."
He realized it was KM's voice speaking.
"Even now Nightmare's powers are keeping your body together. Literally in some cases.
I looked at my body and realized my previously cracked and bleeding ribs are now held and blocked by the weird black liquid.
'Oh... thats right. He said he wants my body, not me to die.'
"You're injured. Very much."
King Multiverse sighed and then his face showed determination.
"I know what you can do. Izuku activate your creating powers, it will drain you but its going to be worth it, i promise i'll guide you."
'....My creation powers drain me normally and thats even when i'm not injured.'
He was reluctant but trusting KM, Izuku closed his eyes and concentrated.


Allmight yelled as he and Nomu started exchanging punches at much, much faster rate than few seconds ago.
Allmight's punches started shinning with the colours of rainbow.
Allmight punched a few times breaking the sound barrier multiple times just by his fists and also finished with an uppercut.
Said uppercut launched Nomu out of the USJ .
Bakugo and Todoroki who arrived few seconds prior had their mouths dropped.
'Is this the power of those on the top?'


Inside the throne room KM was watching the outside world.
"Allmight is really hurt."
He turned his head around.
"Do you think you could help him too? Afterwards i mean of course."
Izuku who was sleeping on the ground was enveloped in a red glow.
"Maybe, but i'll stay with Midoriya Izuku now. Just his injuries are taking a lot of my power and i didn't even get started on his hand. Plus his hand wound was already closed by that.... liquid thingy."
A woman with blue skin, dressed in black dress with red stripes, said dress had a skirt, attached, which goes down to her knees. She also had black stockins and her eyes were red.
Three, of what looked like red digital screens were floating in front of her.
"A reckless master indeed."

So new chap, yaaaay.
Who's her you ask ?
My version ooooooof:

UNDERPLAYER!Don't have a name yet, not a reincarnation, just inspired by King Multiverse's info about "the red haired brat"And yes, she's going to "hack" the code of the world

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Don't have a name yet, not a reincarnation, just inspired by King Multiverse's info about "the red haired brat"
And yes, she's going to "hack" the code of the world. Basically she's nerfed a lot but still can treat this reality like the original Played could treat the UT world in Underplayer. I repeat nerfed .
Also, the first ever appereance of GoS in other story outside of his own! So yes GoS will be connected to this story.
Thats all, bye-bye for now!

GoS - God of Stories

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