Can I take you out?

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I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the sunlight rays coming through the windows. I looked ahead at the other bed to see the most beautiful person on earth laying there. I smiled at the taller boy and he smiled back.

Having dreams like this isn't strange, it's been years now. I closed my eyes again and I heard his voice, angelic as always. I opened my eyes and gazed at his coffee brown eyes.

"Go away I wanna wake up soon I have to work" I said and closed my eyes turning to my side."huh?" I heard a soft voice and my eyes shot open. This wasn't a fucking dream. First is laying there across of me.

I sat in the bed and he looked at me puzzled. "Good morning"he said and I smiled slowly at him."where you dreaming of me?"he asked with a small voice which made me bounce on the inside.

"What? No I thought you were p'mix"I said nervously and he raised his eyebrows not believing me."okay I am gonna go back to get ready let's go together"he said and my ears heated.

"I will go with p'mix it's alright"I said trying to smile forcedly."no let's go together"he finished and flew out of the room not even waiting for my response.

I washed up and made the rest of my dull routine. I opened the door and tipytoed to the hallway praying he won't catch me. Now I have a stronger reason to move on.

"Ah ah caught you" I heard the voice behind me as I exited the building. I stopped horrified,"hahaha yes you caught me"I said laughing nervously."didn't I tell you to wait for me"he said with a sharp tone but his voice is so cute.

I nodded not trusting my voice,and we walked there since we lived nearby.after we arrived he stood in front of the door to our office and blocked the way."what?"I asked in confusion.

"Don't you hear the sounds"he said and his ears turned slightly red. I noticed and blushed as well."why are they always like this"I asked whispering.

"It's only a week and you're complaining,try to spend years with them"he said rolling his eyes dramatically and I laughed at how cute he looked.
"I will call him wait"he said and as p'mix's phone rang we heard the thudding sound.

"You're evil"I said giggling silently and he nudged me."let's go in now"I said and he nodded following my steps."good morning sexholics"first said as soon as we walked in and I burst out laughing.

"Shut up you piece of shit"p'mix said with a slight blush."come on you didn't even ask about where I slept yesterday" he said and p'mix looked defeated at him.

After some quarrelling with first the chatter died and p'earth left the room."guess who is going on a date tonight" p'mix said patting his eyelashes."no way you're so much" First replied giving him a disgusted look .

"Get yourself a boyfriend if you're that jealous" p'mix said and I can hear my heart sound bouncing."Ha Ha Ha funny" First replied giving him a middle finger.

After we finished our assignments for the day p'mix hurried out of the room leaving me in this hell alone."he really left again"first said in disappointment and I chuckled batting his shoulder.

"Can I take you out as well?"he suddenly asked making me jump, I looked at him for a moment before realizing we're so close. I backed away quickly looking everywhere except his direction.

"I mean let's eat out too" he said again and I nodded still feeling the strong tension in the air."I don't like really to eat outside" I said trying to find an excuse not to go.

"What about this, let's go to the grocery store"he said and grabbed me not waiting for me response. We walked there in an awkward silence."may I know why are we here sir?"I asked raising my eyebrows in confusion.

"If you don't want to eat out let's cook something together at home"he said and a blush sat across my face as my heart was beating wildly."Can you even cook?"I asked and he shook his head.I sighed in defeat and followed his steps.

"Let's go grab ice cream before we go home"I stopped for a while amazed cause I was thinking the same thing."hell yesss"I said and he chuckled at my reaction.

We went to a small stall next to the grocery store."do you still like vanilla the most"he said and it felt like the time stopped. He remembered that I like vanilla the most. It was 5 years+ since we talked.

"Hey"he said snapping his fingers in front of my face taking my attention to him."yes"I answered and he looked at me puzzled."I will go grab two for us wait for me here"he said and I nodded.

How can I bear with what you're doing to me? it's killing me how you can make me blush and do all these stupid it just me feeling it?is it me just wanting more of you?

He came back with two ice cream and yes his fav for sure the chocolate one.we're just like our taste in ice cream,close but still different tastes, opposite ones.

I smiled and we ate it in comfortable silence."let's go grab our needs now"I said as I was so hungry already.after we went back to the grocery store I decided to make shrimp white sauce pasta.

We grabbed what we need for cooking and headed back home."just go sit there I will make it quick"I said as I grabbed the bags moving them to the kitchen.

"No way I said let's cook together"he said and I nodded feeling me ears burning.after he messed around with like quarter of what we bought I decided to stop him before we can't find nothing to eat.

"At least watch me then do yours okay?"I said and he nodded annoyed. I started boiling the pasta and prepare other thing and every now and then I look at him to see him staring at me with full concentration.

A blush krept to my face and I tried to hide how hot I feel right now because of that dead stare he's giving me."what's wrong with you ai Khao?your face is so red"he said suddenly startling me.

As I was holding the hot pot it fell to the ground and the hot shrimps burnt my ran to me and grabbed my hand pulling me to the bathroom.

Suddenly he lifted me and I could feel my heart going crazy. He rinsed my leg slowly by the cold water of the sink. I hissed at the pain and clutched his clothes.

"It's okay na"he said and closed the water tab and walked out to the living room with me in his arms. He put me down on the sofa and went to grab the first aid kit.

"Can you do it?"I asked and he nodded nervously."I'm really sorry"he said while putting on a large amount of Wounds disinfectant. I hissed at the pain and grabbed it from him.

"You don't actually know how to do anything","tell me one thing you can do"I said and huffed annoyed."oh I know how to love you"he said and the time felt like it stopped for the second time today.

Did he just say he loves me?

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