12. - pretend you're Richard

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Flake's P.O.V.

I was freaking out. Dumbass Till! He could have died! My anxiety was so high I had to slip from the common room to check on him. I needed to be sure. I couldn't believe I grew so much affection to that criminal. I ran to his cell and opened the little window on the door and looked inside discreetely. His cellmates were talking and Till was lying on his bed facing the wall. I saw no visible damage so it calmed me down.

I closed the window and decided to have a walk outside. It was my last shift before holiday... I breathed in cold night air. I was actually looking forward for holiday, this work was damaging me. I've never been this stressed in my life. It was only two years of working here and I felt I've aged ten years.

"...oh yeah, that's the key from the central gate. The red one. It's in the cabin next to it, there's always some guard on shift." I heard someone before two of my collegues came out of darkness.

"Oh hi, ...Flake." they had to read my name on my badge. I wasn't offended, it was usual for everyone to forget me.

"Hi." I answered.

"Do you want to go for a walk with us?" the other one asked.

"Yeah, why not?" I shrugged and joined them.

"Jack is new, so I'm guiding and apprising him here." said my collegue.

"So the central gate doesn't open much often, it always takes some time." they continued in their conversation. "These are exit door, they're always watched by two jail guards and their dogs, there's wires behind that door and only these jailers has a key to stop the electricity in the wires. It's not a wise idea to enter these." sadistically chuckled that man, I didn't bothered to remeber his name same as he didn't bother to remeber mine.

 I looked at inconspicuously looking part of a wall, truly there were two jailers standing and when you looked closely you could notice it's actually a gateway. I even heard said dogs barking. I felt like a kid getting an excursion here.

"Wow that's cool." said Jack.

"Yeah, it's a clever system to prevent prisoners from running away." said my collegue. I didn't see that as clever. It wasn't even mean, it just existed...

We moved on to basketball court and our excursion ended at armory. Jack was given a lecture to each gun. My nameless collegue seemed to be a real expert on guns. I learnt some new informations.

"And remember, you can use any weapon on that motherfuckers you want, you can use your fist too. Just learn them a lesson, okay?"

"Okay." said Jack nodding excited. What a jerk...

Till's P.O.V.

"Holy shit, since when Till defends Richard?" I heard Schneider somewhere behind me.

Since ever? I answered mentally.

"But it was kind of sick." said Oliver. I felt pleased it was sick, but I stayed cold and pretended to be asleep.

The pretending must've get me because when I opened my eyes it was darker than when I began to pretend.

"Till?" I heard Paul before I felt him jump on my body.

"Ughhh fuck Paul what do you want!" I felt angry for him disturbing me up but it was Paul. If that was anyone else I'd break his neck.

"I- I'm so horny!" he whined desperately I couldn't hold back laughter.

"Tell me something I don't know." I laughed and didn't felt even slightly bad for it.

"You know since I love Reesh..." he started. In fact we all seemed to have a thing for that dickhead.

"Mmmmm and?" I had no idea what was going on but before I could ask I was shut by Paul's lips. I wasn't getting what was happening right now. He loved Richard so he kissed me. Ah yes, the logic.

"Fuck me." he grabbed my hand, he dragged me to the short hallway between our cell and the bathroom. I saw a matress on a ground in a dim light.

"What." I asked amused by absurdity of his question but felt my dick twitch instead.

"And pretend that you're Richard." he commanded and laid on a matress. I thought what are signs of being Richard. Actually the thought of that motherfucker made me turned on. I hated how Richard was getting what he wanted instead. The more I thought of him, the more I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck, the more horny I was. That's what he wants, isn't it? Now little creep Paul wants me to be Richard. Bruh, I hated this obsession with that corupted idiot! Even though I'm a part of it...

"Alright." I said after I woke up from my daydream about choking Richard. I grabbed Paul by the hips and flipped him over. His pants were down before he could catch a breath. I decided to satisfy my sadistic needs and don't lube him up so he'll hurt. I stuck two fingers inside him, he let out a muffled breath. He liked that, some part of me didn't want him to like it. So I decided he's ready for my dick.

"I'm Richard," I whispered as I stucked inside of him. "and-i-don't-belong-here!" I laughed about my own joke and kissed the back side of his neck. I bit him just for the effect, he responded with a groan. I felt myself losing a clear mind too. I felt the lust in me grow. He was twitching under me and it made me feel so good.

"Yes, you're just too perfect forrrr ahhh everyone." he moaned from pain and pleasure as I began to move in and out. It was quite hard since he was so tight and not lubed. It made it even more intense. "How did I d-deserved this?" he squeaked.

"Because you're so beautiful and pretty and intelligent." I thursted in with each adjective and enjoyed him arching his back. I enjoyed to feel his hurted emotions, sore body and just whole hurting little Paul. He was so miserable and I almost felt bad for him.

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