We Meet Again

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We Meet Again

"It's...you?" Ash said

In front of everyone was a gray humanoid feline-like Pokémon with a long purple tail

"Hello Ash, Misty, Brock." The Pokémon said telepathically

"Who are you?" Ash asked

"You don't remember me, but I remember you." The Pokémon said

The Pokémon poked the gang, Pikachu, Meowth, Jessie, James, Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Vulpix, Psyduck, & Togepi's foreheads which restored their memories

"Wait a minute." Misty said

"Now, I remember." Brock said

"You're Mewtwo." Ash said

"Yes, it's me, we meet again." Mewtwo nodded

"We certainly weren't expecting to see you again" Ash said

"Ash, do you know this Pokémon?" Oak asked

"Yes, this Mewtwo, he's a Pokémon we met on our journey through Kanto." Ash said as he turned to Mewtwo "Mewtwo, this is my mom Delia, Professor Oak, & my friend Tracey."

"Pleasure to meet you." Mewtwo said

"Likewise, mind telling us the story of how you met Mewtwo?" Oak asked

The gang explained to Oak, Delia, & Tracey about the incident with Mewtwo & the clones. They were surprised & shocked.

"That's pretty much the whole story." Ash said

"We could've told you about it, but Mewtwo wiped out our memories when he sent us back to Old Shore Wharf." Brock said

"My, that is quite a story." Oak said

"I can't believe you nearly died in that incident." Delia said incredulously "Ash, what in the world were you thinking?"

"Stop, it's not his fault, he had no choice but to intervene in my battle with Mew in order to prevent the Pokémon & their clones from hurting themselves." Mewtwo said "What your son did was a brave thing, it was the first time he saved the world. He risked his life to save Pokémon & humankind, including his friends, family, Pokémon, & others' Pokémon. Don't be hard on him for being a hero & doing what's right, you should be proud of him."

"..." Delia stood in silence

"Mom?" Ash said

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, you know I was only hard on you because I was worried." Delia said

"I know that you're just protective, but that's because you're my mom." Ash said "That's what moms are supposed to be, right?

"Hm." Delia smiled with a giggle "You know as your mother, I'm always gonna be proud of you no matter what. The day you were born, I always hoped that you would grow up to do great things & you did. Don't ever stop doing what's right, promise?"

"Yes mom." Ash said

"Hey Mewtwo, where are the clones?" Misty said

"They're with me." Mewtwo said as he turned to the forest "Everyone, come out."

The clones came out of the forest.

"Pika Pika." Pikachu said as he greeted Pikachutwo

"Pika." Pikachutwo said

"Hiya, clone me." Meowth greeted "It's been a while."

"Meow Meow." Meowthtwo said as

Ash noticed saw a Rhydon, 2 Rhyhorn, a Female Nidoran, a Nidorina, a Male Nidoran, & a Nidorino

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