Pokémon Reunion

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Pokémon Reunion

The next morning, Ash got out of bed & went downstairs

"Morning honey." Delia greeted

"Morning Mom." Ash said

"Morning Ash." Jessie & James said

"Morning Jessie & James." Ash said

After they had breakfast

"Ash, there's something we want to talk to you about." James said

"What's that?" Ash asked

"Well, since we've quit Team Rocket, we thought it would be a good idea to give you our Pokémon including Meowth." Jessie said

"You're giving me your Pokémon?" Ash said surprisingly

"Yes, we also thought it would get you started on getting new Pokémon." James said

"Are you sure?" Ash said as they both nodded

"Ash, why don't you take Mimey with you?" Delia said "You can train him along with your other Pokémon."

"But I only caught Mr. Mime for you, Mom." Ash said

"But I never said you couldn't use him in last year's Indigo Plateau Conference, did I?" Delia said

"No." Ash said

"Honey, just because he lives here doesn't mean I'm keeping him from you." Delia said "Besides, You & Mimey need to spend more time with each other."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Ash said

After Ash, Jessie, James, Meowth, & Mimey went outside. Jessie & James sent out Arbok, Weezing, Lickitung, & Victreebel

"Everyone, we have a bit of news for you." Jessie said "Since we quit Team Rocket, we decided it would be best to give you to Ash."

"We know that this might be a bit of a surprise, but there's no need to worry." James said "Ash is gonna take good care of you & make sure to listen to him, okay?"

The Pokémon nodded & Ash returned them to their Poké Balls & went to the lab. When he arrived

"Hey Professor." Ash said as he entered

"Hello Ash, I thought you were going to the Johto Region." Oak said

"I was, but I decided to stay here & train for the next Indigo Plateau Conference." Ash said

"Well, I think that's a wonderful idea." Oak said "By the way, where's Misty & Brock?"

"They went back home to Pewter City & Cerulean City." Ash said "Gym Leader duties."

"Oh, guess you're on your own, huh?" Oak said as Ash nodded "Well, at least you have Tracey here to keep you company

"Tracey's still here?" Ash asked

"Yes, he has become my assistant." Oak said "Anyway, there's a big number of Pokémon wanting to see you. Come with me."

"Okay." Ash said as he turned to his new Pokémon. "You guys stay here until I get back."

"You got it, Boss." Meowth said as the Pokémon nodded

When Ash went outside, his Bulbasaur approached him.

"Bulba." Bulbasaur greeted

"Hey Bulbasaur, can you call everyone here?" Ash asked

"Saur." Bulbasaur nodded

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