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"Welcome back, Ash Ketchum." A woman said

"Thanks, you remember me from the last time I competed." Ash said

"I sure do, I saw you at the Orange League on TV, congratulations on winning." The woman said "I also saw that your Charizard was obeying you again."

"Yeah, it took some time, but I managed." Ash said

"Are you ready to start over the Indigo Plateau Conference?" The woman said

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ash said

After Ash registered

"Hey Ash." A voice said

Ash turned & saw Misty & Brock

"Guys, you're here." Ash smiled

"Of course we are." Misty said

"We wouldn't miss this for anything." Brock said

"Well, I'm glad you two are here, I was just about to find out who my opponent is & which field I'll be battling in." Ash said

Ash pressed the button & the screen revealed that he'll be battling in the Ice Field, it also revealed that Ash's opponent is a familiar face

"No way." Ash said surprisingly

"It's Duplica." The gang said

"Yep, that's me." Duplica said as she was behind them with Ditto on her shoulder "Long time no see you guys."

"Ditto." Ditto said

"Hi Duplica, it's good to see you too." Ash said "I can't wait to face you in battle."

"Me neither. Huh?" Duplica said as she noticed Meowth "Hey, you're that Meowth who stole my Ditto."

"Not this again." Meowth groaned

"Duplica, relax, he's with me." Ash said "He's my Pokémon."

"He is, wow, lucky you, it's not everyday you get to own a talking Pokémon." Duplica said

"Yeah, anyway, I think it's obvious that you'll be using Ditto, right?" Ash assumed

"Mm-Hm." Duplica nodded

"What other Pokémon will you be using?" Misty asked

"Ah ah ah, that would be telling, but I will tell you this, you'll be in for a big surprise." Duplica said as she left "Catch ya later on the Ice Field."

"Oh, Ash, there's something you need to know." Brock realized

"What's that?" Ash said

"The Indigo Plateau Conference had a change of rules, the Sleeping Pokémon & recalling Pokémon loss rules have been removed." Brock said

"Really? Is that true?" Ash asked

"He's right, Ash, due to the Sleep Talk attack the Pokémon League removed the sleeping Pokémon loss rule & without the recalling Pokémon loss rule, trainers are allowed to switch out their Pokémon during battle in each round." The woman said

"Awesome, that makes things a whole lot easier." Ash said

"It may be, but remember you still have to choose your Pokémon wisely before each battle." Brock said

"Right." Ash nodded

"Ash, how are you going to beat Duplica's Ditto, you know it's not gonna be easy considering Ditto can transform into any Pokémon you choose to battle." Misty said "Remember when you battled Drake's Ditto?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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