Jessie & James

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Jessie & James

Ash, Misty, & Tracey arrived at Pallet Town, they just got back from traveling the Orange Islands. On the way to Ash's house, he was thinking about a certain trio.

"Hey Misty?" Ash said

"Yeah Ash?" Misty replied

"You ever wonder what happened to Jessie, James, & Meowth?" Ash asked "I mean we haven't seen them since the party before we went to the Orange Islands."

"I don't know, but I hope they're okay." Misty said

"Who are you guys talking about?" Tracey asked curiously

"You see, there's this trio who work for an evil organization called Team Rocket." Ash explained "Their names are Jessie & James, & they have a Meowth that can talk like a human. During my journey through Kanto, they keep trying to steal my Pokémon, especially my Pikachu."

"Wow, why haven't they tried to steal our Pokémon while we were traveling through the Orange Islands?" Tracey asked

"Maybe they gave up or something." Ash said

When they arrived at Ash's house

"Oh, I'm so glad you're home. Come on in" Delia said

When they entered the house

"Mime Mime." Mimey greeted

"Hi Mr. Mime." Ash said before noticing Brock in the kitchen.

"Brock." Ash said surprisingly

"Hey Ash & Misty, good to see you." Brock greeted

"What are you doing here?" Misty asked. "I thought you were at Professor Ivy's."

"Oh...Yeah, it didn't work out." Brock said as Ash & Misty looked at each other & shrugged

"You must be Brock, Ash & Misty told me all about you." Tracey said "I'm Tracey."

"Nice to meet you." Brock smiled

"Ash, there's something I have to tell you." Delia said "It's very important."

"What is it, Mom?" Ash asked

"Well, first we have a couple of house guests." Delia said

"Really? Who?" Ash asked curiously

"You come out now." Delia called out

Ash became surprised when he saw 3 familiar faces. It was Jessie, James & Meowth, but Jessie & James were wearing casual outfits instead of their Team Rocket Uniforms(Jessie's outfit is from A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways! episode. & James' outfit is from the Mending A Broken Spirit episode without the hat & glasses.)

"Jessie, James, Meowth?" Ash said surprisingly

"Hey Ash." Jessie greeted nervously along with James & Meowth

"Pika." Pikachu said defensively as sparks appeared on his cheeks

"Pikachu no." Ash said

"Pi?" Pikachu said as he looked at Ash confusingly

"What are they doing here, Mom?" Ash asked

"Well, it started like this." Delia said "It happened a few minutes after you left for the Orange Islands."


Delia & Mimey were walking in the forest until she spotted Team Rocket lying on the floor.

"It's those three again." Delia said

"Mime." Mimey said

"Hm." Delia glared as she went up to give them a piece of her mind "You three!"

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