Reactions to the show

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The fans have shown mixed reactions on all of this ........ be it Instagram, Facebook or Twitter the show is the top trending buzz......

All are curious to know what would be the exact pattern for this show ......

Are the celebs whom they support a part of this......

Would they get live feed or only episodes and how long would be its duration.....

A lot of assumptions regarding timings and dates are all over......

The Shipper Fandoms of all the broken pairs have become active again ......

Solos of the celebs who've had breakup are busy accusing and praying that they do not patchup ......

The entire social media is flooded with speculations about this show ........

Five Fandoms being the most active at present the Kundrrasquad, the Anusha fans the Yogi fans and the Karnika, the Karanusha and Karyogi shipper fandoms ......

There's a fan war going on all over ...... the clout chasers as usual taking advantage of it .........


Readers the comment section is all yours .......

All suggestions and gaffes and what you'll want and expect I  the next part is all welcome ...... feel free .....

Also let me know do you'll want a detail chapter for this..... do you'll want family reactions as well and should the focus only be on Karan....

C u soon ...... till then take care .....

Questions that the fans are asking .......

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