Chapter 7

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Beyoncé Pov
January 20th, 2019
"Babe," I called out for Lani when I realized she wasn't in the bed anymore. I rolled out of bed and went to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I had finished I put my hair in a more presentable messy bun and slipped on my house shoes before walking down stairs. I smiled when the smell of maple syrup and back hit my nose. I continued down to the kitchen and saw Kehlani sitting at the table. I figured it was probably Nené cooking, but I was so wrong.
"Good morning sleepy head," Lani said when she saw me I smiled and kissed the top of their head.
"Good morning,"
"Okay, mama, this is Beyoncé, my girlfriend. Bey, this is my mom, or Aunt, or whatever else I happen to call her in the moment," I smiled and reached my hands out to shake the older woman's hand.
"Girl if you don't give me a hug!" She sassed making me giggle.
"It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard amazing stories and such," I said as I sat down next to Lani.
"Is that so? I've heard plenty good about you, just not from this one," she said side eyeing Lani.
"Now mama I definitely have told you about Bey don't do that," she said laughing.
"Anyways, you finally ready to tell me why you asked me over and insisted I cooked?" She said as she cut off the isle and began setting the food on the table.
"We'll yea. So I've been here, at home primarily for the past few weeks or whatever. And two days ago Solange brought me this note" she passed her the note. "The woman who gave it to her is Rose. She even was on video. How did she know where to find me?" They said folding their arms across her chest. Oh shit. Maybe is should've stayed upstairs. I leaned back not wanting to have any part in this discussion.
"What do you mean Rose? She left you this note?" She said avoiding the clear as day question.
"Mom. I can't take the stress. Please don't lie to me. Did. You. Tell. Her?" She said sharply. I slowly stood up and tried to leave but she slammed a hand on the table.
"Beyoncé sit down," and sure enough, down I sat.
"Don't yell at that girl like that Ashley. That was so uncalled for. And no I didn't tell her I haven't been in contact with her since she left you for jail," they rolled their eyes at the statement.
"How else would she know where to find me than? You know what? I'm over this. You can stay or leave it doesn't matter to me. I'm going to my room," she stood up and rushed off.
"I hope you understand?" I said as I stood up and went after Lani. When I made it to the room I saw them wrapping the blanket around their self as the tears flew down her face.
"Baby," she looked up at me with a red, puffy face, and tears staining their beautiful cheeks. I pulled kehlani into my arms as she heaved.
"Hey, you gotta clam down gorgeous. Think about little dude. They need you to calm down okay?" She nodded and sniffled into my shirt. I heard the front door close and sighed.
"She actually left? I swear I can't stand her right now." I let Lani talk and just listened. That's all she needed right now was for someone to listen.
"Baby. I need you to come down and eat. We can talk, or you can talk and I'll listen, but you need to eat," I told her. They sighed and held their arms out for me to pick them up. And of course I caved and did so.
"Am I not too fat for you?" She asked as I carried them Down the steps.
"You are not fat Keh. You're pregnant. Big difference baby," she smiled and kissed my cheek.

Kehlani Parrish pov
January 20th, 2019
I truly adored Beyoncé. She was perfect in every sense of the word. Se sat me at the table and warmed up my plate of food.
"So. What you thinking for names?" She asked as she sat the plate in front of me. I took a bite before shrugging.
"I don't really know. I have a few names  my head but I'm not sure if I'm really in love with one of them," I started off.
"It's between River, Logan, Adeya, or Harli," she smiled.
"I love Adeya and Logan. But I thought you were doing all unisex?"
"Oh I am that's why I'm torn. Because I know for a fact River is my Unisex choice, but I really think it might be a girl, which is why I say Adeya or Harli,"
"We'll I think whatever name you choose will be cute," I smiled and leaned over to peck her lips.
"Thank you my honey,"  we finished eating as she gave me the most sweetest comments and reassurance. I swear I couldn't ask for much more.

Excuses all errors
A'jah 💋

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