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"I said silence!"
- Clark, Human Nature

Saddling up to John's side, he couldn't have been happier to see her. And the memories of the first time he met her settled at the forefront of his mind, it astounded him that she never seemed to change, and yet was more beautiful each time.

"Sorry about that John, I forget how long the walk is."

"It's not a problem, I had an issue with my maid that I had to sort as well. She slapped me, would you believe it." He rubbed his face, as if remembering the slap.

"Slapped you? Are you okay?"

"Yes, it was just a cultural difference I suppose, poor girl can't distinguish between stories and reality." Taking his arm, she led him towards the hall, this caused him to raise his eyebrows, still rubbing his face.

"You've taken my arm in public."

"They can't make up any worse rumours than they already do." He grins at her, placing a hand over hers. Just before the doors was a beggar with a cup, shaking it sadly. There seemed to be hardly any coins in there.

"Spare a penny for the veterans of the Crimea, sir?"

"Yes, of course. There you are." Taking some coins from his pocket, he smiled sadly at the man before leading Penelope into the hall. Some of the boys from the school were there, and they excitedly ran up to their librarian. Talking so fast she could hardly understand them.

"Boys, please, I'm getting old so you're going to have to slow down."

"You look great Miss! But did you really have to come with Mister Smith?" He smiled at the interaction, she had always been good with the children. It was hard for him not to imagine them together in her cottage, perhaps, bringing up their family together.

"Of course I did, had to give you something to talk about didn't I?"

"Will you at least save a dance for us please, Miss?"

"Of course boys, but I've saved my first dance for John- uh Mister Smith." They cheered and ran off, back to the table they had first come from. Laughing softly, Penelope reached back round to take hold of John's arm again. It was hard, but she had to stop her legs from buckling from the way he was looking at her.

"You'd make an amazing mother, Penelope." She smiled as he led them towards an empty table.

"Maybe I will someday, I hope you're there to see that." He kissed her temple softly before pulling out a chair for her and going to get them both drinks.

It's completely unreasonable, but she really could see herself living here for as long as John wanted her around. God, she was fully prepared to leave everyone behind for this random man she met in 1913. Had hardly given it a second thought.

He got back to the table, handing her a glass and sitting next to her. The both of them watched the children run amuck on the dance floor before the adults took over.

Off in a quieter side of the room, Joan watched the two. She had felt quite bad afterwards, after all she had known about the rumours from the boys. Although she had really hoped that that's what they were, rumours, otherwise she never stood a chance.

After losing her husband, Joan hadn't been one for religion or belief. But it was clear with these two that the Universe had never made two souls more aligned with each other. They're the kind that always seemed to find the other, come hell or high water. No matter the time or place, or how much they've changed. They're meant for each other more than anything else ever created in this vast Universe. In retrospect it wasn't smart to try and get between them.

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