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"I'm all the proof you need."
- Lazarus, The Lazarus Project

Penelope had been watching the Jones family all evening. She was on edge since Lazarus had somehow 'changed what it meant to be human'. And knowing the Doctor was involved with one of them could put the rest of them in danger.

Jasper was idly chatting with someone else as Penelope watched Lazarus come over and lead Tish - Martha's sister - away.

Placing her drink down and apologising to the other person, she grabbed onto Jasper's hand and dragged him across the hall. She let go of him and sped up to the family.

"Evening. You're Tish's mother, right. And Martha Jones?" She seemed very suspicious of the women in front of her. And Penelope could entirely understand why.

"Yes. Why? Who are you and how do you know them?"

"Very sorry ma'am." She holds out a hand for the woman to shake. "My name is Penelope Adaams and this is Jamie Jasper. We're here representing Torchwood. Tish has been very helpful when we're started working with Lazarus and I just wanted to meet the woman I've heard so much about."

"Oh, well. Thank you. I'm Francine and this is my son Leo."

"Pleasure to meet you, I hope-" Martha and the Doctor ran up to the two four.

"Have you seen Lazarus anywhere?" Penelope paled and held out a hand for the woman to take.

"He went off with Tish a while ago, come on." She did and they ran off to the lifts, letting the Doctor and Jasper trail after them. Vaguely hearing the calls from Francine.

They took the lifts to Lazarus' office but no one was there. Besides the poor old lady that had been murdered. But Martha had told them about that on the way up.

Jasper looked around the office, he hadn't bought his gun this evening - it was supposed to be a night off - and it was making him nervous. He turned to the trio.

"They aren't here. Where would they have gone?" The Doctor pulls his screwdriver out of his pocket trying hard not to think about the way the man had drifted over to Penelope's side.

"Fluctuating DNA will give off an energy signature. I might be able to pick it up." Her head whipped to him.

"Fluctuation DNA?"

"Not right now Penelope." There was a momentary pause in his heart beats as he realised that was the first time he'd said her name in a long time. Ignoring this he started to scan with his sonic. "Got him."

"Where?" He points upwards and they share looks, confused. This is the top floor. Martha, who was obviously worried about her sister, voiced this.

"But this is the top floor." Then everyone could see the moment that the answer came to her - hit her like a tonne of bricks. "The roof."

All four of them raced back to the lift, Martha anxiously watching the doors closed. Sending her worry, Penelope placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

Jasper nudged her with his foot and she shuffled back slightly so that she was leaning on his chest. To be able to hear him properly.. of course.

"I didn't bring my gun tonight, did you?"

"No. This was supposed to be our night off."

"Well we're screwed then." She slapped his chest with the back of her hand, a smile across both their faces.

"Would you shut up, we'll be fine. What's the old man going to do?" The Doctor watched this interaction through the mirror opposite them in the lift. He vaguely remembers him from back then, and vividly remembers Penelope calling him her partner.

Although he really couldn't figure out how she meant that. Partners could be for work, as someone you're assigned to, or something more.

But as the doors opened, he wasn't able to think about that anymore. And he had to focus on getting these people out of here. Not on Penelope.

 Not on Penelope

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