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They hadn't noticed she was gone. Not even Jack despite him continuously saying how nervous he was for her to go back in there.

She waltzed out behind her team and, after meeting up with the other group, they made their way down to the seven left at the perimeter.

Before they could actually leave, there was someone there to make sure they hadn't been infected at all, or somehow carried anything out to infect others.

Penelope worried a little about the item she had pulled from the body, but she subtly asked for an evidence bag from one of her agents. Quickly she shoved it inside and sealed it, throwing the bag into the front of the truck.

She smiled widely at the man checking them all over, and he took a moment to watch her suspicions raised. But when he found nothing he had to move on.

After he confirmed that everyone was safe, the next stage of the attack started. Time to burn it to the ground and end this finally. She looked down at her satellite phone, aware of the last text sent.

'Done our end. Burn it down.'

"Alright lads! We've got the order, set it off!"

All 20 of the people on site set about their jobs. Guarding the perimeter, setting the accelerant and the four agents going back inside to spread the accelerant more.

They had to make sure they could actually set it on fire from as far back as possible. If it was as flammable as the Hungarian's claimed, they didn't want to be anywhere close.

As everyone made their way back down to the truck, it was one of the soldiers lighting the flame. He was a demolitions expert and knew more than all of them combined. So they all stood back and watched as he lit the match and dropped it into the accelerant before sprinting back to the group.

There were a few seconds of watching this flame go absolutely nowhere and the little bit of hope distinguished. Then the reaction was almost instant.

As soon as the accelerant caught fire it spread up into the ruins.

The mix of accelerant and the mist created by the bodies must've created something explosive. There was a shockwave that pushed back against the group of agents and soldiers, pushing many of them into the side of the truck.

Jack stumbled back and smacked his head and Penelope could barely stay on her feet. If it hadn't been for Jasper she would've gone flying.

When the shocks subsided everyone just watched the ruins burn. It sent a wave of finality through Penelope's brain and she realised that she had gotten revenge for Felicity in the only way she knew how.

By making sure no one else has to die.

However, this also brought Penelope back to reality. Felicity's body was in there, burning with the rest. And her mother would never be able to bury her child the way she wanted.

Wouldn't be able to visit a grave she knows her only baby is safely resting.

But, finally, Felicity's body was no longer infected and Penelope can live knowing she did what she could.

She wasn't able to save that young girl but she wouldn't lose anyone else.

Never again.

Never again

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