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"He seems so human again. It's kind of pitiful."
- Martha, The Lazarus Project

Penelope was walking with the ambulance crew, giving a very undetailed telling of what happened. She was watched afar by the Doctor.

He couldn't get her out of his head. No matter how hard he tried.

Because he knew that the other man was right. Her partner.

She had done so well for herself here, with a life and friends of her own. Clearly, she didn't need him here.

But the way she spoke to him in the machine, and the looks. And the way she hooked her leg over his shoulder, gripping his jacket hard.

It was hard to think of anything else.

Besides wanting to do it again.

But the Doctor knew, his life wasn't for her anymore. She has her partner, and her job. And responsibility for the entire human race upon her shoulders whenever she left her house.

So once again, with the pain of the action not faltering. He knew she had to be pushed away.

He had been too nice to her tonight. For the few brief moments they were able to talk without their lives in danger.

He dropped his gaze to the floor just in front of him when her partner crossed over to meet her.

Jasper came over to give back her bag, which she had left in the car. It had her phone in it, which would've been useful for calling the rest of her team.

Plus she had offered to hold Jasper's phone, so they had been essentially disconnected for the night.

Thankfully Jasper had offered to deal with the local police. It gave Penelope time to look around the guests. Making sure everyone seemed alright.

Of course, she happened to look over at the Doctor.

Something hurt, deep inside her. She wished it would stop, but she knew that it wouldn't. Not since he looked at her like that.

It was the only thing that she was able to coherently focus on.

And the way she threw her leg over him, balling his - really quite nice - jacket in her hand.

He was in her head.

But she stood by her anger. If he was willing to meet a compromise, become somewhat friendly again, then she was all for it. But if not she wasn't sure if she could bring herself to try anymore.

She has worked too damn hard to fall back to him just like that.

Penelope was torn from her own thoughts after a loud bang erupted in the direction of the ambulance. Obviously Lazarus wasn't as dead as they first thought.

Without even thinking, she started running towards the incident, trusting Jasper to be right behind her.

Although the two agents were also followed by the Doctor, Martha and Tish. And, whilst obviously against bringing Tish, she couldn't get the younger girl to leave.

For a split second she saw Felicity, in the way the girl argued her stay and stood her ground.

The cold bit at Penelope's fingers and she shook them out. Eager to get over her grief and stop anyone else from being hurt tonight.

They were standing by the open ambulance, doors practically ripped from the hinges. The Doctor scans the area with his screwdriver.

"Lazarus, back from the dead. Should have known, really." Martha was looking around concerned. I mean really, how hard should it be to see the giant DNA monstrosity.

"Where's he gone?"

"That way. The church."

"Cathedral. It's Southwark Cathedral. He told me." Penelope smiled, starting to lead the way to the church, Jasper close behind her.

"Is that before or after you tried to snog him Tish?"

"Is that before or after you tried to snog him Tish?"

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