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"Tish, he's a monster!"
- Martha, The Lazarus Experiment

They raced to the stairs and Martha immediately checked on her sister.

"Are you okay?"

"I was going to snog him." Penelope grimaces, and pats her shoulder to reassure her.

"Well, we all make mistakes, don't worry. At least you're okay."

"Thanks ma'am." The other two people in the lift questioned the ma'am aspect, as it wasn't very Tish. But at some point it has become natural to call Penelope that, and she gets it everywhere.

The lights flickered as the sounds of the creature trying to break in got louder. A message went over the tannoy system.

"Security one. Security one. Security one." The lights went off and Penelope and Jasper automatically stepped closer to the doors, in front of the civilians. Martha turned to her sister behind them.

"What's happening?"

"An intrusion. It triggers a security lockdown. Kills most of the power. Stops the lifts, seals the exits." The Doctor watches the door closely, a little excitement seeping into him.

"He must be breaking through that door. The stairs, come on!" All of them started running back towards the reception room. And, very instinctively, Jasper and Penelope ensured that they could see everyone in front of them before following after. Arguably they were the most trained to deal with something like this.

The doors flew open to the reception room and Penelope barely caught the conversation as she realised how many people were in danger.

"Tish, is there another way out of here?"

"Uh- there's an exit in the corner, but it'll be locked now." He took his sonic from his jacket and threw it to Martha.

"Martha, setting fifty four. Hurry." In turn she raced to the corner exit to use the sonic just as he wanted. The Doctor turned to address the huge crowd of people.

"Listen to me! You people are in serious danger! You need to get out of here right now!" There was a ripple of laughter tainted with disbelief.

"Don't be ridiculous. The biggest danger here is choking on an olive." Penelope scowled, stepping forward next to the Doctor.

"Shut up Carolyn, my name is Penelope Adaams and I represent Torchwood. Please would you all make your way to the exits as soon as possible. There isn't much time."

"I'm sorry, how do you know my name?" Although this was long forgotten when Lazarus, completely mutated, jumped down. He smashed a table and sent the entire hall into a panic. Which is exactly what kills people in these situations.

Penelope watched from afar as Francine and Leo were straying a little too close to him.

"Mum, get back!" Leo pulls his mum out the way as the mutant Lazarus' tail sends a table flying. It hits Leo square in the chest and he gets thrown to the floor.

"Leo!" Martha ran back to the main group of people, beckoning and showing the way.

"Over here! This way! Everyone downstairs now! Hurry!" Penelope raced down from her place next to the Doctor to go and help the injured people. With a quick order to Jasper to stay and help the Doctor.

As she was helping up one of the guests, she realised that a woman stood frozen with fear. Lazarus stands over her and Penelope swore she could hear the clicks as it's jaw opened sideways. It was almost unhinged, and then he swung his tail around, and another mouth opened with sickening cracks.

"No! Get away from her!" The Doctor was too late, as was Jasper, who once again reached for his gun. Her poor desiccated corpse fell to the floor and all Penelope found herself thinking about was how she was going to tell the family.

Across the room Francine was trying to get to her son, and, seeing this, Penelope went to join them. Very aware of the huge mutant Lazarus watching everyone.

"Leo. Leo." As she makes it, Lazarus turns to them, realising they were the closest prey and Penelope stepped forward. She had taken a broken leg from one of the fancy metal tables to defend Martha's family. But the Doctor started shouting at it.

"Lazarus! Leave them alone." Martha had finally returned and felt a great pit in her heart when she watched how Penelope stood guard over her family.

"Martha." The woman crouched down to examine her brother, knowing the Doctor would be able to sort it out.

"Come on, stay with me. You're okay."

"What's the point? You can't control it. The mutation's too strong. Killing those people won't help you. You're a fool. A vain old man who thought he could defy nature. Only Nature got her own back, didn't she? You're a joke, Lazarus! A footnote in the history of failure!" Penelope cursed lightly as the Doctor draws Lazarus away and watches as both he and Jasper race off down a corridor. Tish shakily walked up next to Penelope.

"What are they doing?"

"They're being stupid, Tish." Martha rolled her eyes at the older woman, focused on her brother. But decided to actually answer the question anyway.

"They're trying to buy us some time. Let's not waste it. Leo, look at me. Focus on me. Let's see your eyes. He's got a concussion. Mum, you'll need to help him downstairs." Martha puts some ice into a napkin and hands it over to her mother to keep on Leo's head, before helping the man up. Penelope lends a helping hand in finally getting up.

"Go easy Leo, a concussion isn't anything like it seems on tv, it can be pretty dangerous." Martha pushes Francine, Leo and Tish away, towards the exit, but continues to walk with Penelope as she tells them to go.

"The ice will keep the swelling down. Go! I'll be right behind you. Tish, move! We need to get out of here." Penelope was still uncertain as to whether or not she should go.

There are quite a few civilians that probably need some kind of guidance. But her idiot just ran off with the Doctor chased by a creature currently mutating its own DNA.

Last she checked this isn't how a night off is supposed to go.

Last she checked this isn't how a night off is supposed to go

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