A Happy Ending (For Real This Time) ?

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2 Months Later

Izuku heads to the now abandoned League of Villians base. He sighs and sits down. He looks around and decides to clean up. As he's cleaning, a pair of hands cover his eyes, and instead of shaking in fear he smiled.

Momo: "~Guess who?"

Izuku: "Is it the mass murderer Creati?"

Momo: "Yes it is my little mad scientist!"

Reader: "Ah ah! She said it!"

Izuku: "Fuck off, we're trying to be happy!"

Momo: "What'cha doin'?"

Izuku: "Just.....looking for something."

Momk: "Like what?"

Izuku: "There was this...thing that I found one time during a raid. It was like a sphere. Ahh! There it is!"

Izuku excitedly picked up a sphere within weird markings.

Izuku excitedly picked up a sphere within weird markings

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Momo: "What is that?"

Izuku: "Some markings called it the Vril Sphere. It should be harmless, but something just feels off."

Momo: "Like what?"

Izuku turns around and shoots a grey figure behind Momo.

Izuku: "Like him."

Izuku looks at the sphere concerned.

Izuku: "Momo, more of them are coming. Cover me while I turn on this machine."

Izuku hands her the shotgun as she creates some extra shells to cover him. More of the grey people arrive, as Izuku turns on the machine and grabs Momo to cover. The machine starts to suck in the people and the Sphere as well. When it stops, Izuku and Momo see no more signs of an attack and exit their hiding spots.

Izuku: "Holy shit. Can't believe that worked."

Momo: "What was that machine?"

Izuku: "Multiverse portal. I sent them all to another universe."

Momo: "Are those people gonna be okay?"

Izuku: "I'm sure they'll be fine."

They then go outside and start walking to a Ramen store, hand-in-hand, finally happy.


For real this time

Earth: BO247

Izuku (BO247): "What the hell is happening?"

Class-1A look around at the chaos at UA, with Izuku holding on tight to Eri. A massive army of the dead enter UA, as the rest of the surviving students at the dorms shut off the power so that no attention is drawn to them. They all head inside and board up the windows and doors to make sure the zombies don't enter the building. Izuku and Jirou look at eachother, with her giggling.

Jirou: "One hell of a first date right?"

Izuku smiles at her and chuckles to.

Izuku: "Yeah. Yeah it is."

Her Mad ScientistWhere stories live. Discover now