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__The sounds of horrified screaming and bones crunching followed by excited bellowing were all Tails could hear. He dared not look. He didn't want to see what was happening. But he knew those G.U.N. soliders were being killed one by one. He wanted this to stop, but he couldn't move. He had his head in his hands as he kept it below his controls while shaking. He hated being afraid. He thought he had overcame it after all these years. Obviously all that progress he made was for naught. If only that demon didn't try to eat his tail then he'd be fine to fight it. He wouldn't be as scared as he was right now.
__"Tails!" Cream had flown onto the right wing while Cheese floated beside her. She leaned in and started nudging the fox. "You have to get up! Please! You said before that T-Pup had something big! Use it!"
__Tails snapped out of it when he realized it was Cream who was talking to him. Cream was younger than him. She endured more pain and suffering than he did, which included watching her two chaos getting infected by the zombot virus, watching her mother get infected, and then getting infected herself with nothing more to lose. He looked at her. This rabbit was grownup now. She didn't look scared in the slightest. On the outside at least. That was enough.
__Tails slowly let go of his head as he leaned back up. He looked around and his heart sank once again. So many humans were dead, ripped apart, some even partly eaten. That blood was all over The Devil's jaws and claws. It had regained some energy and was fighting again. Sonic, who Tails had told to stay back, was fighting with the demon again despite his right arm being a mess of blood and pain. Sonic looked so distraught and angry. Seeing all these people die in front of him must have triggered something to make him keep fighting. But his good arm was in no condition to fight, even if all he needed were his legs. Sonic kept spin dashing, homing his attacks, and kicking the demon as hard as he could for every opening he found. The Devil could not keep up with his speed. But at one point it somehow timed when Sonic would make his next landing and pounded its fists into the ground, causing it to shake. Everything shook. It was an earthquake. Everyone who couldn't fly began freaking out. Tails was fighting with his controls to keep the Tornado standing on it's two feet while Cream hung onto the wing for dear life. Sonic had lost his footing and collapsed to the ground. The Devil continued to bellow as it brought its head in close before a giant hammer was thrown at its face, knocking it over, and forcing it to roll on the ground. The Devil got back up and roared. It was Amy. She called her hammer back to her and attacked The Devil again when it ran back and threw it over its side again.
__Sonic was struggling to get back up as he looked at Amy with horror. "What the fuck are you doing!?"
__Amy kept her stance up when The Devil stood up again. "This baby is having a father!" She charged at the demon and swiped its legs.
__Sonic managed to stand. "There won't be a baby or a mother if you don't get away!"
__"Amy, he's right!" Tails shouted.
__Cream stood up again on the wing and cupped her hands around her mouth. "We'll be okay! You can't risk it!"
__"If this demon keeps running around freely then I can't have this baby now can I!?" Amy had backed up far enough before dropping her hammer. As The Devil charged she removed one of her rings. She then threw it towards the demon. It had grown bigger and wrapped itself around The Devil's left wrist. That left hand then fell the to ground instantly. The Devil stared down in confusion as it tried to lift its hand back up, but it couldn't. Whatever that ring weighed it was way too heavy. Amy had thrown the other ring to it's right hand before she picked up her hammer. She then ran, and she was quick. Real quick! Those weights made sure she could hold back. It was like fucking Rock Lee. Of course anyone who truly knew Amy wasn't surprised at this. Amy was right behind him as she slammed her hammer into its side. The demon roared in agony as it was thrown up into the air. When it landed one of its hands landed on its stomach. That made the demon scream again. But before Amy could go at it again, The Devil muttered something that caused the rings around its wrists to suddenly disappear. Amy noticed too late as it got back up and was ready to strike. She was too close. But Sonic was faster. He ran over and grabbed her before it could kill her. The two tumbled over each other as more Freedom Fighters took over to cover them.
__"Amy!" Sonic had sat up and helped Amy sit. "Are you crazy!?"
__"Not crazier than you!" She retorted. She then gripped her wrist. "I won't be able to get new rings for a while now!"
__Tails was scanning the area for his robot dog. He saw that T-Pup had been helping Scourge in trying to keep Fiona down. When The Devil threw back all of the Freedom Fighters that it was fighting Tails whistled at T-Pup. The robot dog sprang up immediately and flew over to Tails before landing on the nose of the Tornado. Tails had put his hand on its head. "I know we didn't test it, but you're going to have to engage. Now."
__T-Pup barked happily and flew back towards The Devil. Its eyes turned red and it started to transform. The Devil stopped and stared as the tiny robot dog turned into a giant robot wolf. On all fours it was half the size of The Devil. This was what Tails called T-9. The robot wolf let out a loud roar that almost matched The Devil's. The demon growled before roaring in return and then the two charged at each other. Everyone stopped and stared. T-9 had bitten into The Devil's arm and dragged it down, growling angrily while shaking that arm violently. The Devil growled as it tried getting out of its grip. Eventually it pulled away and grabbed T-9 as it tried to headbutt the demon. The two struggled to push the other away.
__Tails was silently admiring his work. While he was adding this upgrade he had borrowed Scourge's dagger and used it to give this upgrade something great. This power could match The Devil in strength. But that wasn't a hundred percent as The Devil managed to started pushing T-9. Tails urged Cream off of the wing and started moving the Tornado. He began shooting bullets again while making sure not to hit T-9. During this Shadow made his advance with Rouge. The white bat flew over and pulled The Devil's hair over its face while Shadow punched it in the stomach with Chaos Force. T-9 had bit into its tail and started pulling while Tails charged. When the others got out of the way he braced himself as the Tornado collided with the demon. He knew that this had a high chance of a sacrifice. The Tornado fell on top of The Devil and Tails took this chance to fly away as The Devil sunk its claws into the engine to get it off. Once again, for how ever many times (he lost count), the Tornado blew up. The explosion sent Tails flying. He couldn't control himself as he started spinning in the air before he fell to the ground. He had fallen from greater heights, but it still hurt. He was on his stomach and he brought up only his top half with his ears flattened. The Devil had laid still, but not for long. It got back up. It struggled and shook, but it still looked fine.
__As everyone started backing up to plan another attack Tails slammed his fist into the ground. Why will nothing work!? They could really use those seven Chaos Emeralds. But they couldn't risk letting this thing out now. He couldn't think of what else to do. He was stumped. T-9 wouldn't be able to hold it off forever and his only chance at fighting this thing was done in. He stood no chance.
__T-9 had began to attack The Devil once again, but the demon was ready for it this time. It grabbed onto one of its legs and threw it away. T-9 skidded across the ground and struggled to get back up. But the demon was already moving. Just when the robot wolf stood up The Devil dug its claws into the robot wolf's back. It suddenly hissed as it brought it arms back. Its hands were bleeding. The rest of the Chaos Energy left T-9 as it transformed back into T-Pup. The little robot dog whimpered as it retreated back over to Tails and laid beside him.
__Freedom Fighters started to surround the demon, but The Devil swiped its arm which somehow sent some kind of sound waves powerful enough to push everyone back. Tails had grabbed T-Pup as they, too, were thrown back. Sonic went back to fighting The Devil but the demon nearly bit into the same arm, causing Sonic to retreat.
__Scourge had to pin down Fiona again. He was looking around until he saw Knuckles. "Oi! Get over here and hold her down!"
__The red echidna, who was getting ready to attack, stopped and did not hesitate to run over to them. He made sure to keep Fiona still as Scourge let go and ran towards The Devil. He pulled out his dagger and started swinging. Shadow had joined back in as well and was releasing his Chaos Spears. If everyone wasn't here he could easily finish this with his Chaos Blast. That might have been enough to defeat this demon. Shadow kept throwing these spears at the demon's back while Scourge tried to at least stab its legs to make it immovable. When Scourge did managed to stab its leg Shadow threw another spear at its chest. The Devil cried out but it was still keeping its balance despite the pain it was feeling. It knocked Shadow back and grabbed Scourge by the quills with its teeth. Scourge hollered as he dropped the dagger and was flung ahead of The Devil. The monster was now furious. It looked as though it finally realized this wasn't a game. Scourge could not move as The Devil slammed its hand on the hedgehog to keep him still.
__Fiona had finally snapped out of it. She saw what was happening and started to cry out. "No! Devil! Stop it! Please!"
__Others tried to intervene and help Scourge but The Devil sent out more sound waves and knocked them back even further. Tails made sure to grab onto the tree stump next to him this time. He was starting to panic again. He wanted to run. He needed to run. But he saw The Devil getting ready to eat Scourge. This fear was not going to get the best of him today. Not today! There wasn't much he could do, though. He just grabbed a bunch of rocks and threw one at the demon's face. The rock hit its muzzle. Before it could move its head Tails threw another, bigger rock. This one hit it in the eye. The Devil roared out and let go of Scourge. It completely forgotten about the weak hedgehog as it glared at Tails. The yellow fox continued to throw rocks at the monster. It was all he could do. When The Devil started walking towards him Tails began to panic. It was him he was after now. Tails instinctively dropped all the rocks and started backing up. He lost balance and fell down. He hit his back on that stump and felt it tear off some hair and skin as he curled up where he was. He was hyperventilating. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't move. The Devil was now on all fours as it brought its nose over to Tails's face and started giggling. This was it. He was dead now for sure. There was no running away.

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