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__Tails made his way inside the Freedom Fighter headquarters. It's been two days since the news about some monster randomly killing people. Since then there has been fear that this had led to genocide since thousands more people were killed these past couple of days. A meeting was finally called for all available Freedom Fighters to come meet up and figure out what to do. Tails found his way into the meeting room and saw it was just the main Freedom Fighters with only a handful of background characters. Even Sticks the Badger showed up to the meeting. This wasn't her first time here, but she would try to keep away from headquarters as much as possible since it gives off the government-feel. She definitely looked anxious being around this many people in a packed space. She was at least sitting next to Amy and Cream to keep her calm.
__Tails heard Sonic whistle him over and went to sit in between Sonic and Knuckles at the meeting table. He got a good look at Sonic and saw that he had none of his bruises. He was shocked as he tried to reach for his arm. "You healed up already?"
__Sonic quickly scooted back and grabbed Tails's hand. He was grinning. "You know I heal fast. Still a little sore, though, so don't touch."
__Tails nodded and brought his hand back without question. He didn't feel the need to think twice with what's happening.
__Sally had finally come in and sat down in her chair. She looked around with such a scared and concerned face. "We all heard about the monster?" She waited for everyone's answer before continuing. "The only thing we've gathered is that it's black. That's all the survivors were able to see; a flash of black." Some of the background characters were taking quick glances at Shadow who was sitting by Rouge and a giant robot called E-123 Omega. Shadow definitely noticed (he always notices) but looked like he didn't. "I can also guess it has maybe claws and large sharp teeth based on the bodies they did find."
__Antoine was shifting in his seat while Bunnie tried to comfort him. "What are we going to do zen? We know nothing!"
__This was when Sally looked over at Shadow with hope. "What's G.U.N. doing about the situation?"
__But Shadow shrugged his shoulders. "We're waiting for a bit more information in order to track it down."
__"That's not very convenient to the people," Roter said nervously.
__Shadow sighed. "I know."
__Sonic was leaning in his crossed arms on the table. He still looked really tired. "I could go to the next island over and try to find it. I'm too fast for it so it won't catch me."
__Tails resisted the urge to punch him. "Like that? Shut the fuck up and think."
__Sonic was quiet for a bit before hiding his face. "You right."
__"Shadow could, though," Knuckles suggested.
__Before Shadow could reply Sticks started freaking out. "I smell 'em!"
__Rouge looked confused. "What?"
__Sticks was standing up and slightly panicking, making Amy stand up to try and calm her down. "It's crazy! It's like Sonic, but not Sonic! Argh!"
__Amy managed to get Sticks to sit back down. "You're going crazy, Sticks. Calm down."
__Shadow cleared his throat. "I can't search anyway. I have no lead and G.U.N. needs me." He growled as Sticks continued panicking.
__Sonic straightened up and looked at Sticks. Something lit up in his eyes as he stood up and ran out of the room. Tails quickly followed him outside, the others following suit. He stopped right next to Sonic and was seeing double. There was another Sonic wearing the Zone Cop uniform in front of them. He also looked really tired and nervous. When everyone saw this they started to look relieved, except for Sticks.
__"See!? I told you! I'm not crazy! Why are there two Sonics!?"
__Amy was shaking her head beside the badger. "That's Zonic from the No Zone. He's one of Sonic's many counterparts."
__Sonic was looking at his counterpart with concern. "What's going on? We have our own problem to deal with."
__Zonic was not making eye contact with anyone. "I know, and it's my fault."
__Tails perked his ears. "What do you mean? What happened?"
__Zonic still did not look. "It escaped from our prison. I was handing off new prisoners and was asked to watch over it, but I turned my back for a second and it stole one of my warp rings and escaped."
__"What is it?" Sonic asked.
__"I'm not sure. He looks like he could be a large mobian, but he's definitely some kind of monster." Zonic finally brought himself to look at Sonic. "I have no idea what zone it's from. Barely anyone does, which was concerning when it was first brought in. I don't know why it's here, but I need to take it back and keep it contained. It's too dangerous. It's way too strong and almost invincible. You could barely make a dent in it."
__"You need our help," Tails infered.
__Zonic nodded. "There are only two people who truly know this thing and what it's after. Plus, they know it's weakness and how to deal with it. But we can't get them to talk."
__Both Sonic and Tails looked at each other. Over the years they learned a method or two on getting anyone to talk. These two were fucking crazy when it came to that now. Sonic looked back at Zonic and put his hand on Tails's head. "We got you, dude. We'll get them to talk."
__Zonic finally showed a smiled. "I figured. It's just one we need to get info from, and you know him." He pulled out a warp ring and tossed it behind him. The ring grew big and showed a world called the No Zone. It was a futuristic city, but it was on its side. The world had weird ass gravity that only they could control. "Just you two?"
__Sonic nodded. "That's all you need." He then turned to the others. "We'll be back soon."
__But Tails shook his head. "Don't wait up for us. We're taking our sweet ass time with this."
__"Keep watch!"
__"You need these." Zonic was holding two gravity control wristbands. He handed them to the two before going through the portal. The two quickly slipped them on and followed after him. They jumped through the ring, the world's ground on it's right. As soon and they were through the wristbands turned on and they slammed onto the ground. Tails landed on his right side while Sonic landed on top of him.
__"Bruh!" Tails growled. "Get off!"
__Sonic was laughing. "Sorry, bro!" They both stood up and looked at the zone jail in front of them. It looked way bigger than it was years ago, and there was definitely too much security here. Sonic was amazed. "Ain't it crowded here?"
__Zonic was not in a joking mood. "Since Scourge escaped that first time the jail doubled security, and now it's tripled." He led them over to the prison entrance. He had to show his badge to the security guards before they could let them in. Tails was amazed by the inside. He had never been inside here before. It was so tall. There were lots of bridges and elevators. There was some conveyer belt-like tracks along the walls. It was kinda making him feel sick looking at everything for too long, so he focused his eyes on the ground.
__They were led into what looked like an interrogation room. Zonic stopped in front of them and began talking. "I really hope you can get him to talk. He's been out of it for a while and refused to say a single word to us." He then crossed his arms. "But just to be clear, you're prohibited from actually harming him."
__"Aw man," Tails mumbled.
__Sonic was already walking over to the window where the prisoner would be and flattened his ears. "Aw fuck."
__"What?" Tails went over to Sonic and saw. "Shit."
__There was a green hedgehog with blue eyes wearing the prison uniform and an inhibitor collar sitting at the table. He wasn't even looking at the window. His eyes looked very dull and he was just staring at his hands in his lap. His posture was really bad and he looked depressed. Tails looked at Sonic. The hedgehog turned and nodded at him before telling Zonic they were ready. The Zone Cop typed in the code to the door and waited for it to open before leaning his head in the room. "You have guests." He brought his head back and motioned the two to go.
__Sonic walked in first with no hesitation and Tails nearly tripped over his own feet to stay next to him. As soon as they were inside the door immediately shut in less than a second, scaring both of them. Tails looked over at the green hedgehog. He did not look up at all. He wasn't sure if he knew it was them or if he was just that out of it. It was probably both.
__Sonic just walked up to the table and sat down across from him. He was smiling. "Damn, Scourge. You honestly look pathetic."
__Scourge barely eyed him. "Here to gloat?" He muttered tiredly.
__Sonic shook his head. "We're just here to ask questions. We don't want any trouble."
__Scourge looked back down. "Those dumbasses have to recruit a prime zoner to try and get me to talk?"
__"Only because this thing is in our zone," Sonic said in a harsh tone.
__This was when Scourge perked his ears. "The Devil went to the prime zone? Fucking asshole!"
__Tails immediately sat down next to Sonic at looked at Scourge with curiosity. "The Devil?"
__Scourge slumped in his chair and sighed. He was eyeing the window where the Zone Cops were watching. Tails looked at them and was motioning for them to leave. They all looked at each other, some were shaking their heads. Tails looked back at Scourge and saw he wasn't budging. He really didn't want the Zone Cops listening in. Tails got up and slammed his hand onto the window. He motioned again for them to leave, this time scowling. Zonic told the others to move and they all slowly left the room.
__Tails sat back down and looked at Scourge. "You willing to talk now? Who's The Devil?"
__Scourge groaned. "I don't know his name. That's just what he called himself."
__"You know where he's from?"
__Scourge shook his head. "Even if I did it doesn't matter." There was clear anger in the hedgehog's blue eyes.
__"Got beef with 'em?"
__"It's not relevant."
__"Sure it is," Sonic said with a smug grin. "I'm you, dude. I know when you hate someone." He started tittering when Scourge glared at him. "Just like now. You still hate me."
__Scourge looked away. "You say I look pathetic. You look like shit."
__Tails eyed Sonic. "He's not wrong. Start getting proper sleep, man. This is an emergency."
__Sonic buzzed his lips. "Whatever."
__"Fucking piece of shit." Tails looked back at Scourge and leaned on his arms. "I'mma just be straight with you. This thing... it's causing genocide in our world right now. We have no idea how much worse it's going to get and we don't have a method of tracking this monster. How much info are you willing to tell just us?"
__Scourge flattened his ears. "Can't really trust you."
__Tails tried so hard not to look annoyed. "Sure you can. You want that monster to kill everyone in the world you're trying to take over?"
__Scourge was silent.
__Tails was looking at Sonic and motioning him to talk to him. Sonic sighed and leaned closer to Scourge. "What's going on? You're not in high spirits, not that we blame you. We got our own bad shit happening in paradise, too, you know?" When Scourge didn't reply Sonic got up and went to sit next to his counterpart. "Hey, it's me. You can talk to me. There's no judgement here. Just light teasing."
__Scourge scooted his chair away and faced his back to the blue hedgehog. "I don't know, man."
__Tails stood up. "You want me to go?"
__Scourge shook his head, making him sit back down. "Honeslty..." he let out a heavy sigh. "It's nice to see familiar faces that's not my girlfriend."
__Sonic tilted his head. "What about the Destructix? They're here, too, aren't they?"
__"Not anymore. They got bought. I don't know by who or why."
__"So, what's going on with you here?"
__"Got depression. That's basically it. I don't get medication for it either."
__Sonic looked at Tails worriedly.
__Tails just flattened his ears as he tried scooting his chair around the table. "How's Fiona then?"
__"She's fine," Scourge said, sounding only a little brighter. "She's knows my condition and tries to help as best she can." He sighs as he slams his head on the table. "I took her for granted back then. I don't fucking deserve her."
__Tails could not believe this. Sonic's evil counterpart was feeling... remorse? This was completely unexpected. The old Scourge didn't give two shits about anyone, barely Fiona at the time. This so called "king" only had world domination on his mind and didn't care who he had to cut down to achieve this. What happened to him in prison to cause this depression?
__Sonic reached his hand out to put it on Scourge's shoulder but hesitated. It took him a bit before reluctantly placing it on his shoulder. "We've all made mistakes. You've been reflecting on yourself all this time?"
__Scourge did not attempt to remove Sonic's hand. "Had nothing else to do besides fucking Fiona."
__Tails prentened he didn't hear that last bit.
__Sonic removed his hand and crossed his arms on the table. "Feeling a little better?"
__Scourge pondered for a bit before answering. "Yeah, actually." He then straightened up and got serious. "I'll only tell you shit about The Devil because I actually hate him more than you, and I want that fucker gone."

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