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__After drinking all that water and finishing up what Rotor gave him he was feeling healthy again. Just in time, too, since Sally was now starting the meeting. If he was being honest, he didn't feel like paying attention. He was still stressed with the bandicoot twins and now Zooey. Usually during times like this he would lean on Sonic to try and clear his mind, but the blue hedgehog was sitting with Amy, Cream, and Sticks. He was still sitting by Knuckles, though, and he allowed him to lean on his shoulder instead. Tails was grateful enough to have two best friends to rely on at every chance he got.
__Sally was going over the predicament, in case you couldn't guess. Word had gone out that The Devil had left the island it caused genocide on. No one knew which island it was on yet, but Tails figured it would be here. If Scourge was right about it wanting to go after the Destructix, it could be their island. Although, he wasn't even sure if they were on this island. It just felt natural to believe that they would still be on the same island if they were out of prison.
__When Sally ended the new update about The Devil she turned to Sonic. "Now, and this really needs to be discussed, why bring Scourge and Fiona into this? How do they know this monster?"
__Sonic took this time to look at Scourge and Fiona. They weren't near the group but they were still in earshot. When neither of them said anything Sonic began to explain. "A couple months after they were put back in Zone Jail was when this thing that called itself The Devil was put in there. They and the Destructix had these watches on 'em that would basically kill them if they tried to escape again, and they were worried about the other inmates getting them killed because of the watches. The Devil offered protection for them for about a decade until the Destructix were bought and that thing betrayed Scourge and Fiona and escaped. Scourge seemed really pissed when we told him that it was in our zone, so we," he gestured to Tails as well as though someone was about to call himself stupid for this. "decided to bring them here to help us track that thing down in exchange for letting them stay here."
__"You are a foo-el," Antoine had remarked specifically at Sonic.
__"Hey!" Sonic barked. "It's better than nothing! That thing was practically part of their little family. They know its strengths and weaknesses and can help us take it down."
__"Scourge theorized a weakness," Tails corrected as he sat up straight. "He said that thing is almost invincible but apparently he thought of something that might work in our favor."
__"Right exactly," Sonic added. "Plus, it didn't feel right leaving them in a place that was gonna let them perish if it came to it. They had a lot of time to reflect on things as well."
__"How can you be sure that they're to be trusted?" Sally had asked. "For all we know they might be plotting something once this thing is brought down."
__Tails suddenly felt really upset again as he scowled. "Ah shut up already." He quickly flattened his ears, shocked by his own tone. "Shit. Sorry, Sal."
__"No, no, it's fine," Sally had said slowly. "Give your piece."
__Tails sighed as he crossed his arms. "They're not going to do anything."
__"You don't think they will?" Sally asked sarcastically while sounding skeptical.
__Tails did a single nod. "More like I can't make myself believe, even though I've only spent almost two days with them. They've been very considerate. Scourge even told me they would have helped us out even if they had to go back to Zone Jail." He then pouted. "He was basically calling me stupid, too," he groaned.
__"Scourge looks like he's helping Tails out," Knuckles infered.
__"How do you he is not faking?" Antoine had asked with a scoff.
__Tails heard Scourge make a snort of annoyance. "I don't want to have to owe him any favors," the green hedgehog had slightly growled. "It's bad enough he's forced to look after us."
__Tails turned to glare at Scourge. "I'm not being forced! You don't owe me nothing!"
__When Scourge didn't say anything Fiona put her hand on his shoulder as she looked at the group. "We're not interested in what you have to say. We just want to kick The Devil's ass and be done with him for the rest of our lives. We're not planning on going back to what we don't have."
__Scourge was staring at the ground while playing with the grass. He just nodded.
__Tails smirked as he looked back at Sally. "There you go. Don't tell me you can't see truth in their eyes."
__Sally pondered for a bit before sighing. "What's done is done. But if something goes wrong," she pointed angrily at Sonic. "you are going to be responsible."
__Sonic looked really offended. "What do you mean!? Y'all are so rude!" He crossed his arms and looked away as he scoffed. Amy was giggling as she tried to offer him some comfort. His only response to it was scooting away.
__"What is so important that you had to interrupt our mission and have us come here?" Shadow was fiercely walking up to the group with Rouge and E-123 Omega trailing after him. He stopped and stayed standing when he was in the group while Rouge sat down in front of the giant robot. Shadow was extremely annoyed. "We had finally found traces of that monster being on this island and were tracking it down."
__Rouge looked exhausted. "Not like we were close to finding it anyway, Shadow. Calm your ass down."
__Shadow glared down at Rouge but didn't dare to retort.
__Sally seemed a little nervous as she stood up to match Shadow's level. "We're discussing what we need to do now. This is perfect actually if you guys know it's here."
__"Knowing that it's here doesn't mean we've found it yet," Shadow muttered angrily. "We can't waste time on these absurd meetings when people are dying."
__This was when Knuckles stood up, making Tails stumble a bit. "We all have to pitch in here! These meetings are important, too! Why do you always have to be such a fucking cunt!? We need to be able to know what we're doing!"
__Rouge huffed. "Like you ever know anything."
__Tails brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. He already knew what was going happen.
__"I don't wanna hear shit from you!" Knuckles yelled at the bat.
__Rouge took this as a chance to stand up and puff her chest out while crossing her arms. "Learn to keep yours in then!"
__Tails hid his face in his knees while flattening his ears. Fight, fight, fight. Why do they always have to fight at a time like this?
__"There is no need for Shadow to be acting like an asshole when we're all trying to do the same thing!" Knuckles retorted.
__"He's not being an asshole!" Rouge corrected with a stern expression. "This is just Shadow! You're the one being an asshole! Just learn to be the submissive bitch you're supposed to be and fuck off!"
__Knuckles face had turned a bit red before he started scowling. "You fucking slut!"
__"Cock sucker!"
__Amy had quickly got up and ran in between them. She was frantically looking back in forth. "You're both being assholes! Let Shadow deal with this how he sees fit! Honestly he's the most mature one out of all of us!"
__Shadow looked almost pleased by this interjection.
__Rouge still looked annoyed. "Stay the hell out of this!"
__Tails looked back up and examined Rouge. She and Amy were good enough friends. Rouge wouldn't fight with Amy like this on any normal circumstance. But Tails could tell that she was not willing to let go of her built up tension. All because she got mad when someone insulted Shadow.
__Amy was staring at Rouge with genuine concern. "You need to calm down. Look at Shadow. None of this is helping him right now."
__Rouge was not camling down. "Oh, just because you had one precious moment with Shadow you suddenly know what he needs!? What!? Did you use that time to fuck him, too, to keep yourself high and mighty!?"
__"What!? No!" Amy had flattened her ears as she hugged her own chest. She was visibly uncomfortable. "I would never! You already know I don't like doing stuff like that!"
__"Whatever! Don't act like you didn't enjoy being groped by those pedophiles!"
__Sticks was growling as she walked over to Amy. Her fur was bushed out and she was shaking her fists. "You shut your trap, government spy! It's always the pretty women that act like this! This is the fault of the government for creating this predicament in society!"
__Tails couldn't help but agree with Sticks, which didn't feel like a good thing.
__Rouge looked confused as the anger grew in her face. "You're not even making any sense, fucking savage!"
__Now everyone, except for Sonic and Tails, was standing up and arguing with each other. There was no purpose to the argument. They each thought they were defending one person while they ended up hurting another in some way. There was nothing but loud, obnoxious yelling and a nasty feeling atmosphere. Tails could not handle this tension, or more like he didn't want to deal with it. He stood up slowly and turned to walk away.
__Sonic looked at Tails with empathy before making an angry face as he stood up and stomped over to the group of angry Freedom Fighters. He began to shout angrily. "Shut the fuck up! All of you! We're going no where with all of you bitching about everything like the messed up children you all are! Now be. QUIET!"
__Tails found himself being intimidated by the harshness and volume of Sonic's anger. It was clear everyone else was caught off guard, too, since they immediately shut their mouths. He watched as Sonic continued to scold everyone. Whenever someone was dumb enough to defend themself Sonic would immediately snap at them and tell them to shut up.
__"Fiona?" Scourge sounded a little worried.
__Tails looked over and saw that Fiona was walking away. Scourge was standing and watching her go. T-Pup did not hesitate to follow the vixen.
__"Where are you going?" Scourge asked her.
__"He is calling me," Fiona said. There was no emotion in her voice. "I must go."
__Scourge then followed after her.
__Tails was watching the three of them walking towards the park gate. He was about to follow them but hesitated. He slowly turned to look back at his friends. There was still bad tension around them. It was making him feel sick again. He didn't want to be near them, so he decided to leave them behind and stay with Scourge and Fiona as he followed them out of the park.

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