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__It was close to evening. Tails was leading Scourge and Fiona to Sonic's house. In his hand was a bag. That bag contained one bottle of sake. It wasn't nearly as strong as whiskey or vodka, but taken with the kind of alcohol Sonic kept at home could do you in. Fiona was a little concerned that Tails was going to purposely get Sonic drunk to get him to talk, but Sonic had done the same thing to Tails last year with some kind of liquor so it was time for pay back anyway.
__Sonic's house was around the same size as Tails's, minus the large garage. It looked more peaceful as well since Sonic didn't need to worry about any stalkers. All of the lights in the house were off, but Tails could hear the T.V. on the other side of the front door. He looked back at Scourge and Fiona before knocking on the door. "Hey, dipshit! Open up!"
__Tails backed up as the door opened. Sonic was holding the door about halfway open. "What's going on?"
__"Nothing," Tails said calmly. "Figured I'd come over for a change since you kept on bugging me whenever something happened." He then held up the bag. "You said you've been wanting to try this, right?"
__Sonic had sighed with relief before opening the door all the way and letting them inside. "You're not drinking any of that," he told the fox with a smirk.
__"Ha!" Tails mocked. "I bought this. I'll take as much as I want."
__"Whatever, man." Sonic shut the door and then walked over to Tails to pat his shoulder. "Not my fault if you pass out. If that happens they're taking you home." He gestured to Scourge and Fiona.
__"Sure thing." There was a glass coffee table in the living room that Tails set the bag down on carefully. "You wanna get Knuckles in on this?"
__Sonic shook his head. "He and Julie-su are setting up extra defenses on Angel Island. He won't come even if he wanted to."
__"'Aight. That's fine." As Scourge and Fiona sat down on the couch Tails went into Sonic's kitchen and got some of his shot glasses. He came back to the living room and set them next to the bag. "I can't really drink just sake. What else you got?"
__"Oi vey, Tails!" Sonic rolled his eyes before walking into the kitchen. "You have a problem."
__"No I don't!" Tails took out the bottle of sake and set it on the table as he sat down. He looked at the TV and saw it was just the news. "You don't need to keep an eye on your people every second you're home, you know?"
__Sonic was walking back with two beers. "I'll have you know I'm actually trying to see what the weather will be like tomorrow."
__"We have Nicole for that," Tails reminded. The blue hedgehog sat down next to him on the couch. Tails grinned as he leaned on Sonic. "You kept on telling me to relax when you're even more stressed than I am? Hypocrite!"
__Sonic was tittering as he handed Tails a bottle. "You doing okay after today?"
__Tails nodded. "I'm not hurt now. I'm fine." He started pouring a shot for Sonic.
__Sonic had smirked. "Why was Zooey over at your place yesterday?"
__Tails felt his face heat up and groaned as he set the sake back on the table. "She came in uninvited and we both were drunk. That's about it."
__"You said you didn't like her like that," Sonic remarked.
__"I don't!" Tails hissed. "She made me mad yesterday!"
__Sonic burst out laughing. "Angry sex, huh?"
__Tails put the shot glass in Sonic's hand. "Shut up!"
__Scourge and Fiona were just watching them. They didn't bother to say anything to interrupt. They were probably just waiting for the moment Sonic slips up.
__Sonic took a shot of the sake. He didn't seem that satisfied. "Not bad."
__Tails snorted before he took his own shot. "You're so picky with your alcohol."
__"Can't help I prefer wine and champagne," Sonic responded bitterly. "I only get this beer for whenever I get company." He then started drinking said beer.
__"My hero," Tails said sarcastically. He leaned back into the sofa. He was making sure he took his sweet time. "What were you and Amy really doing? Don't think I bought that sparring crap."
__"Ugh!" Sonic started rubbing his eyes. "We hung out. Nothing more."
__"I know when you're lying," Tails said while giggling. "I've known that poker face longer than you."
__Sonic didn't look at Tails. His ears twitched in annoyance as he groaned. "Nothiiiiiiiing!"
__Tails could guess. "What good is you knowing I had sex with Zooey if I can't know you had sex with Amy?"
__Sonic shoved Tails away. "Shoosh!"
__Both Scourge and Fiona looked intrigued.
__Tails laughed as he hugged Sonic and started shaking him. "Ha ha ha! Now you know how I feel, jackass!" He continued laughing as he hid his face in Sonic's arm. "Am I to assume you lost your virginity that day?"
__Sonic was patting Tails on the back. He sighed. "Actually... no. That was actually the third time this year."
__Tails straightened up and stared at Sonic in shock. "With Amy?"
__"With Amy."
__"Pardon me," Fiona spoke out. "I thought she said that stuff made her uncomfortable since she's been raped, no?" Scourge looked at Fiona with this weird face. Fiona just scoffed at him. "What? I pay attention."
__Sonic sighed before taking another shot of sake. "She would kill me if I told you," Sonic then pointed at everyone. "so you guys better not tell."
__Scourge and Fiona nodded while Tails pretended to zip his mouth shut and throw away the zipper.
__Sonic then drank more of his beer. "Amy wanted to overcome that. It wasn't easy for her to ask me, and I was the only one she could ask."
__Scourge was really confused. "You didn't say no? You?"
__"Obviously I was weird about it," Sonic explained. "But after a little while I agreed to help her out."
__Fiona was snickering. "Pervert."
__Tails was being careful now as he drank more beer, taking only little sips. "Is she fine with it now?"
__Sonic held his hand out flat and was tilting it. "Sort of. We had to start small: hugging, kissing, making out, foreplay, and then sex. She's still a little uneasy and I've made sure to be extra careful. But she she said she wouldn't mind doing it again."
__Tails smirked. "So we both lost our virginites this year."
__Sonic nearly choked on his beer as he started laughing. "Yeah, man! All members of Team Sonic can say they get it!"
__Tails was shoving Sonic. "We're not fucking Team Sonic! Quit calling us that!"
__"No way," Sonic chuckled. "'cause we're Sonic Heroes!"
__Tails started lightly pounding on the hedgehog's arm. "Shut the fuck up!"
__Sonic was still chuckling as he pushed Tails off of him. "All right, easy! Easy!"
__Tails's laughter slowly died down. "Anyway, does this mean you're picking Amy?"
__Sonic's smile dropped to a frown. "Um... not... not yet. I don't know."
__Tails leaned back. "You serious? What is it about Sally then that's making it harder to choose?"
__"Nothing about Sally," Sonic answered blandly. "Not getting back with an ex, but... I'm still not sure about all of this."
__Tails groaned. "You just had too many bad experiences with past girlfriends." He jumped when Fiona suddenly coughed. "You know Amy, and she knows you. So what's the problem?"
__"I don't know," Sonic repeated. "I'm not sure if I'm just being insecure, too careful, or just too scared."
__Tails was starting to feel bad. "The longer you keep them waiting, the worse it's gonna be for them."
__Sonic hid his face in his hands and groaned. "I know! I know. But I can't make myself decide just like that."
__Tails rubbed Sonic's back slowly to comfort him. "Yeah, it's hard. But it'll be okay. Whatever happens, you still got me."
__Sonic turned his head slightly to look at Tails. He looked grateful. "Yeah. If it doesn't work out I'll settle for pegging your tiny ass."
__Tails brought up his foot and pushed Sonic onto his side. "My ass is bigger than yours."
__"I beg to differ!" Sonic retorted happily as he sat back up.

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